Will have my cs done by tonight. [Hider=Mora Kingsly] [Center] [B][color=teal][h2]Mora [i]'Ra-Ra'[/i] Kingsly[/h2][/color][/b] [Img]http://img09.deviantart.net/be9b/i/2013/236/6/7/lol___snkatarina_by_faithom-d6ji30j.png[/img] [I]15[/i] [I]5'4"[/i] [I]155 lbs[/i][/center] [Color=teal]History[/color] Life was jovial for the Kingsly clan when they announced to the world the arrival of their first daughter; Mora. Though it wasn't long that the firey headed got would prove to be just as stubborn and rowdy as her six elder brothers. Mora shirked her mother's lessons in favor of following her father to his work. The boys all followed in their fathers footsteps. Fine craftsmen who built houses for the fine people of Shiganshina and while her home was filled with love and warmth. Little Mora craved something different. She wanted to make her family proud and what better way than to enlist when she came of age? She was already stronger than most kids her age. Working hard alongside her family had built solid muscles on the youth and thanks to her big brothers; there was nothing Mora feared. Be it bandit, titan or rabid dogs. Mora felt she was invincible. [Color=teal]Personality[/color] Mora is a reckless spirit with a fiery soul to match her ember locks. She'll dive head first into the unknown with little fear in her heart. Of course it helped that she had her own little army of brothers by her side to help keep her safe. For what it was worth, she felt like she always just one of the boys. She was always too loud for the girls that grew up around her. Mora always talked too loud and her laugh would ring off the walls. Everything about her seemed too aggressive but she never let that bother her. She was driven by her desire to join the military and what Mora set her sights on she rarely ever let it go. [Color=teal]Stats[/color] • Physical Strength: 16 • Speed: 14 • Teamwork: 5 • Leadership: 5 • Skill (gear): 10[/hider]