[quote=@SleepingSilence] [@Awson] Do I have to like show you evidence that your wrong? It wouldn't be hard. http://nypost.com/2015/05/14/why-mad-max-fury-road-is-the-feminist-picture-of-the-year/ https://www.bustle.com/articles/82751-mad-max-is-a-feminist-masterpiece-because-fury-road-is-all-about-furiosa-her-sidekick https://www.buzzfeed.com/lauriepenny/the-fast-and-the-feminist?utm_term=.bg16EeE2G#.osmPgegwM Bullshit eh? Want more? I have it...It doesn't even -have- to be true. The fact, (the FACT) is a ton of people did like it solely for what they saw as a political message. :/[/quote] Almost every movie has people trying to spin it in a social or cultural way. There are people who praise Fury Road for its "feminism," but that doesn't mean that they only liked it for solely that reason. Those people are the minority anyway. [quote]All I did was point out why people liked it, (a true statement)[/quote] [i]Some[/i] people. [quote]What you did, was assume people that didn't like it, was somehow related to the quality of the television they watched it on. (Which aside from being just absurd.)[/quote] It's not absurd, actually. The audio and visuals are very important for this movie. The visuals, especially. And it was a mere possiblity, among many, for people not getting what's good about the movie. [quote]It also (unlike my comment.) Doesn't have articles talking about how they don't appreciate "limited dialogue" to back it up. [color=ed1c24]People[/color] didn't like the fact the only real dialogue that did exist, was trite and pointless chatter about some unexplained kind of redemption. My speculation is actually backed up and isn't baseless.[/quote] There are also articles that say it's good and say nothing about feminism. PURE SPECULATION: And you don't hear anybody say "I don't like limited dialogue" because when that's true, what actually comes out is "The story was shallow." You wouldn't know that you didn't like that. Most people don't truly understand themselves. 99% of movies you see have plenty of dialogue. And they make sure the story is said out loud, crystal-clear. Some will certainly dislike a movie because it goes against this common pattern. The truth is, that the amount of verbal storytelling has no bearing on whether a movie is good or not. Hell, the amount of ANY storytelling has little bearing on whether a picture is good (this is the hard part). An action movie with little story can still be a good movie. It's perfectly fine for the story to take a backseat to action. Normally, I don't particularly like movies like this, but Fury Road happens to have THE MOST WELL-MADE ACTION in any movie I've ever seen. And I liked the aesthetic and characters. I liked everything about it, really. I believe that since you were expecting more verbal story, the "trite" dialogue between characters stood out as bad because it notably lacked what you wanted it to have. [quote]It's not nonsense, if that's all you gave to me to go on. It's your limited information that had me bring up that movie. You can't tell me some extremely vague concept is the only way someone can dislike something. People's tastes are usually far more complicated than you seem to believe. And then judge me for bringing up something that is EXACTLY what you described. Sure, it's completely different. But if "I can't understand why anyone would hate Sin City unless they don't likes black and white movies." I could bring up an unrelated black and white movie, that may have nothing to do with the topic at hand, but it certainly isn't my fault. :/ "Outdoorsy movies" isn't a genre anyway...so just saying "movies spent mostly in the outdoors" well that doesn't help in the slightest...that could mean "[b]127 hours.[/b]" to the [b]"Blair Witch Project."[/b][/quote] The first thing I said is The Revenant is good, as long as you don't dislike outdoorsy survival movies. Then you said The Grey was an outdoorsy survival movie that was bad, and "If that's really all it has going for it. :/" The problem is that I never said or even implied that it being outdoorsy was all it had going for it. You brought up The Grey as a singular example of a movie like that which you didn't like, and then said some dumb shit. So yes, "nonsense." [quote]Yeah, I think I can debunk the statement of "you surround yourself with people that have the same taste" because one of my best friends I spend the most time with disregarding the one I live with, has taste that is nearly 100% different from mine. And my family has plenty of differences in taste as well. I don't purposefully try to surround myself with circle jerk bandwagons. Though you are correct, doing that makes you a fool and will likely give you no benefits in the future. But I have been a target of bandwagons, far more than I have joined a bandwagon. :/ I think it's ALSO a little silly on top of that. To mention, "It seems like you're joining a consensus made by other people, don't you know how bad that is?" when mere moments ago you pointed out. "Why dislike something when the general feeling of many people thought it was good?" Lots and lots of contradictions I'm seeing here, is all I'm saying.[/quote] I was never saying that you're completely surrounded by like-minded people. Just that you may echo off of one or two of them. I judge my "general consensus" on lots and lots of sources. I carefully weigh each one as well. It's kind of an obsession of mine. It just seemed to me like you mostly go off of yourself and a few friends. [quote]I'm not exactly sure if this is still addressing me. But yeah I think attempting to point out "why your opinion is 100% wrong and my opinion isn't an opinion but fact because..." Probably won't make it that far on the cutting room floor, so to speak. You can like/love the movie, it doesn't mean you liked it for the same reasons I described. (or because you're televison had better speakers. <.<) And I'm not saying you're worse or better than anyone for that opinion. :/ [/quote] Let's not go into this one.