[hider=Appearance][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/b38f/f/2014/246/e/c/gopnik_sanya_by_bookmarkahead-d7xr37m.png[/img][/hider] Name: Smuglyanka Bazilevskayov Age: 21 Occupation: Unemployed Skills: Cooking, squatting, drinking, video games, Russian language Faults: Speaks broken English, has impaired social skills on top of that, can't hold down a job History: Smuglyanka had lived in the USSR with her parents for most of her life. In Russia, Smuglyanka had a decent amount of friends who she talked to, hung out with, played with, and the like. She was more or more accustomed to the more structured grind of life. There, she was more or less a normal person. In her mid-teens, however, Smuglyanka moved to the United States with her parents, who wanted to flee the USSR for fear of their lives, taking with them only what was necessary. She lived in Illinoise for the rest of her life, going to school there. Being an immigrant and not actually speaking much English, she had grown reclusive. She skated through High School, then attended a community college for a year before giving up having lost all drive to, and instead choosing to live off her parents' money. On the day the lock down was in effect, her parents left the house defiantly wanting to get food. Smuglyanka, of course, stayed home and on the internet. When the power finally cut out was the first time Smuglyanka thought to look for the parents who had not returned. Equipment: A police grade M16 rifle looted from the body of a dead police man, a bag of sunflower seeds, half a bottle of vodka, and a Soviet-style waffle iron. --- Edited because M4 wasn't a thing in the 70s and to say my character was from the USSR. Also, nurses, EMTs, and doctors aren't the same progression. Lots of folks in the medical fields will switch from one to another (Usually nurse to EMT or EMT to nurse), but there's a bit of difference between them and you need a different certification for each one. Also an Epipen /is/ an adrenaline needle.