[u][b]Lucius, Caesar of The Legion[/b][/u] [i]“Qui audet adipiscitur” [/i] A grin spread across Lucius's face. A grin that only comes from an odd sort of mutual respect for ones hated adversary. The Legion and NCR had been fighting so long that well....they'd become the perfect anti-thesis of each other. Just as Sallow had always said during his long philosophical rants to his Praetorians. Thesis and anti-thesis would inevitably collide and wage war. Perhaps in some strange way, this was the NCR president's recognition of that. "And to the victor belongs the spoils," Lucius said with a sly nod. Both men knew that in the coming days, a bloodbath would erupt. How much blood would be split to prove the issue....well neither of them could say, but there would be war either way. And they both understood that, even accepted it. "The profligate speaks the Legion tongue as one would expect...boorish, provincial, and clumsily," Vulpes whispered. Which elicited a short chuckle from the Caesar. Lucius then turned his attention to the new arrivals. Strange individuals from the far south had arrived shortly after the NCR President, and been declared representatives of the 'Most Serene Key Republic', "A mercantile nation to the extreme south of us, or so I've been told," Vulpes explained, "They ply the southern sea with ships laden with various goods from all over the continent. Lucrative trading partners perhaps...they will be quite interesting to keep an eye on here." "And I see The Brotherhood has arrived as well," Lucius remarked, as he saw the High-Elder enter and take his seat. "Hmmmm yes. Profligates no doubt, but there was a time when they'd eagerly slaughter NCR soldiers by the droves. Far too reliant on their technology however." Vulpes replied. Lucius nodded in agreement and stroked his lightly bearded chin in contemplative thought. So many representatives from nations across the wastes. Such a grand display of wealth, power, and military might in a Vegas restaurant. It was almost....auspicious.