Ardasa didn't know why she was here. One day, she was marveling at the grand city with ancient roots her father had brought her to, the next she and her family were suddenly accosted by imperial guards and informed they should present themselves to the emperor himself! She shivered to herself thinking of the meeting, whether from fear or excitement she did not know. The emperor was prominent, to say the least. He was almost twice the size of his advisor, and he composed himself as if he controlled everything he saw. He was cold, and never spoke to her, instead making whispered conversation to his advisor. "Chief Qorod, of the Earthen Bear clan, if I may speak with you. Alone," he had said. "Go to the temple to pray, child," her father commanded her, and she promptly did as he commanded. The chamber was large and almost impossibly built, with some of the most advanced dracon artistry on the continent. The statues were easily ten times her size, of various dracon gods and saints. Instead, she walked over to a small shrine of improvised make and kneeled. It was of Arda, patron of kobold women and her namesake. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a priestess try to leave the temple, looking very nervous indeed. "Wise Sister, would you be so kind as to lead me in prayer?" she asked, hoping that both of their minds would be taken off of the present for a little while.