[@Oak7ree] For mods to the k98, scoped for long distance, for starters. Possibly a collapsible stock, though I know that wasn't really a thing for them. Mostly it's optimized for sniping, and then for mobility and ease of And there's the advantage that these are German standard issue -- fighting behind the lines they'd be able to take ammo off of any German soldier, and it won't mark them as foreign. Additionally the 98k is easier to maintain, and generally more accurate (that's important for Bel). Furthermore, it can be reloaded even when there's still bullets left in the magazine, though it does carry fewer total (five vs. eight). Bel is usually a sniper or designated marksman. She's reluctant to use her power, though she will if she needs to. Izkry is a good spotter and backup for her, though he really can't snipe himself. He's actually best fighting at nearly melee distances, using that whip of his, or gaining control of a vehicle or something and then using that while Bel takes out anyone trying to kill him. Bel is great at CQC, but you never want to be that close (in her opinion), unless doing stealth. Depending on the mission...I think Izkry would do well with an M1 Carbine or a Tommy gun (probably the former -- that's lighter and more convenient). Bel would do fine with just about anything, but since she needs accuracy she'll stick with the k98. For sidearms...they might stick with the Lugers, which are pretty good, or perhaps they picked up Browning Hi-Powers in Europe, or acquired 1911s here in America. The issue with the 1911 is the lack of readily available ammo once in Europe. Bel /could/, if broken out of that shell of hers, turn into a good NCO or something. She handles commanding okay on the field but off it she absolutely sucks. [@ONL][@MegaOscarPwn] Oh yeah, I get that, as do the siblings. But Oscar seems...I dunno. Passive aggressive, yes, like he doesn't care and doesn't take things seriously, like he complains a lot, and there's the added issue of his desertion. They definitely think him rude and abrasive. He's not as cool a guy as he tries to act, and the dissonance between his self image and his actual abilities do not encourage respect from my two. ^.^;; And yes, I just spent a few hours doing research and talking to my friend the gun nut for this. x.x *has issues*