[quote=@SleepingSilence] Okay now I get what you were trying to say in relation to these statements, but you have to admit. Saying "minority of people" followed by "it happens all the bloody time by everyone" seems eye brow raising. But what you meant was, "yes, it happens to a lot of movies. But it's usually the same minority of people who are politically charged people." That's clearer. However... This implies that NO ONE liked the movie solely because of its political message. But I can you again, that isn't true. And you admitting previous sentence that it's the minority, at least grants me that it DOES happen. But this sentence disregards the whole thing. Like this one did previously. Is it true or not? It can't be both. Again, contradiction. You say it's all bullshit in some of it and then you say it's some people. And I didn't imply everyone...But I've made that abundantly clear, you didn't read my statement if you believed otherwise.[/quote] I don't know what you're talking about. It happens in a lot of movies. Few people say it. Some of those people who do say it, say it matters culturally in addition to being good. Is that so hard? [quote]Most things you mentioned about the movie were the "they just don't get it" which is kind of insulting since the movie was so stupidly basic/plotless. But, most people "got" what they were watching, they were just questioning, why a post apocalypse where gasoline is super expensive, do they waste as much on this absurd chase as possible and have a giant sound stage set up with a guitarist shooting flames. >.>[/quote] You're only proving more that you didn't get it. The point is that the superb action and visuals are enough to make story less important than usual. That's an argument for the lightness of it. As for your points about the logic of it -- because it was entertaining. Those aren't even strictly plot holes. Why did they waste the gasoline? Because they had his breeders, which were very important. Why did they have a guitarist shooting flames? The same reason armies have drummer boys. [quote] :I Ya know, it would make a point just a wee bit stronger, if you even provided [b]ONE[/b] link when you say that. -.- But, I'm sure there's one that exists in the either. It's the internet after all, but there's plenty that hated the movie too. For no reason you mentioned previously. [i]Like I did.[/i] :/ [/quote] Because I know that cherry-picking reviews is pointless. [quote]:I Stories can be shallow, regardless of dialogue. (it depends on the [b]strength[/b] of the dialogue present.) If you try to argue this story is a masterpiece, I'd love you to explain, how. [i]You can't. Because it wasn't.[/i][/quote] The story was not a masterpiece. And that's okay. :) [quote]I liked the Avatar (the blue cat one) in theaters, but it wasn't because of the story. So I'm not opposed to liking beautifully shot cliches. But admitting that is the first step.[/quote] This was your best point so far. I'm gonna go with....... you were happy with the fact that it was at least trying to have a normal story? [quote]I liked John Wick. So, uh yeah no. :/ I agree that [b]PLOT[/b] isn't the most important thing in a story. It's the [b]characters[/b]. No one would make superhero movies about batman and superman if all there was to those characters was their powers. John Wick made me CARE about the carnage I was watching, it actually did a good job hooking you in and wasting no time. It was a far smarter movie and more interesting as an action flick. :/ The dialogue that the movie did have, WAS trite. Is was redemption that had no context or meaning or point, and took the story no where. There was no character depth, arcs or growth. There was no interesting world building, (unlike John Wick.) The action, was literally ONE chase scene and location for nearly the whole 2 hour movie.[/quote] John Wick has a pretty normal structure. Not totally comparable. The whole thing being one car chase is strange, huh? That's not inherintly a bad thing. I guess I'll go through the characters. I'd let you say little growth, but none? Max and Furiosa: No trust, to trust. Max has a nice moment where he goes against convention and doesn't stay with them. Furiosa's dream of paradise is destroyed, she accepts the Citadel as her home. Nux: Mindless drone, dreams crushed, abolishes his idol [quote]All you gave me, was it can't be disliked if someone liked outdoor survival movies.[/quote] NO I DIDN'T. I SAID THAT IF YOU WERE PREDISPOSED TO DISLIKE OUTDOOR SURVIVAL MOVIES, REGARDLESS OF THEIR CONTENT, THEN THAT WOULD BE THE MOST LIKELY REASON SOMEONE WOULD DISLIKE IT. [quote]I don't know how you got that, since not only did I mention I DON'T actively go see movies more often than not...I also brought up my family as well. So, definitely not the case. Also from you're post about judging something based on outliers being a bad thing, you seem like you pick whatever the popular consensus is. Which I guess [b]can't[/b] be true, if you're telling me about the problems of bandwagons. [s](that, believe me I'm aware.)[/s] [i]Also you don't like GOTG2[/i] Which again, makes me question why it's egregious to disagree with the majority. [/quote] It's not egregious to disagree with the majority. It's egregious to misunderstand or misrepresent the majority.