[center][h2][i]Kagami Isami[/i][/h2][hr][@Crimmy][@Savo][@GarlandDaHero][@JBRam2002][/center] "First of all before we leave people are ready right?" Kagami asked she wouldn't mind leading but she wanted no one getting hurt due to them lacking a way to fight back. Taking assess of the situation she nodded to the others and opened the door to the drama room. "We should look for others right now so lets search the practice building before moving outwards agreed?" She said as she stepped out the uneasy feeling seemingly hitting her all at once she was nervous her hand clenching the bokken trembling as she look around. So far nothing but it seems everywhere was affected it was best to forge ahead and try to find others as shes stated. Heading out Kagami took lead her bokken at the ready clasped in trembling hands come hell or high water she would protect those who placed their faith in her. It was the least she could after all as she started to head towards the kendo room. The kendo room being on the far side of the building they were bound to run into someone.