"We still have the 'stick and peddle' cockpits actually.I actually first piloted a Mobile Suit with stick and peddles, granted, it was just a construction MS, and not one built for combat, but still." Sarah said as she floated near the cockpit entrance. "The Mobile Trace System is reserved for Gundams only so far as I've heard and seen, and the Gundam's them selves are custom built for the fighter that will be controlling it." she continued. "And no. The Shining Gundam was not built for me. I'm not Japanese for one, I'm American, and this Gundam was built to represent Neo Japan in the preliminary's of the 13th Gundam Fight, I was just chosen to operate as it's test pilot while we repaired, and two, I am no where near the level of the Representative Fighters. If you thought my clumsy and uncoordinated motions where 'impressive', then you should see some of the pro's in action." Sarah floated into the cockpit area and grabbed her bag. "Come on, I'll show you a few fights while we get something to eat."