[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/6DBP0Y1.jpg?1[/img] [color=PaleGoldenrod] [h1] Sakem Ba [/h1] [/color] Sakem couldn't help but [s]mentally[/s] frown. He had been expecting someone to die during the confrontation. He supposed he could fix that, but what would be the point in that? It would most likely be everyone versus him. Despite being quite confident in his abilities, he knew when to draw the line and wait. Sakem soon landed, mentally sighing as he went through the painful shifting process again. Once that was done, he walked back into sight of everyone. He examined each of the people there, frowning at the sight of the axewielder. Personally, he had nothing against him. His problem was how hard it usually was to take down those that were the size of the man. "[color=PaleGoldenrod]Well, hello there![/color]" Sakem said, his voice taking a far too joyful tone for the current situation. "[color=PaleGoldenrod]Are all of you okay? I couldn't help but notice the smoke in the air as I made my way over.[/color]" While he may not truly care about the others, it helps to pretend to be worried. [/center]