[center] Name: Hunter Monroe Age: 24 years old Appearance: Hunter stands less then a couple inches below six feet with an average build. He has semi-long dark brown hair that in many cases is poorly groomed, normally just enough so to call it clean and then it is left alone. His light skin makes his grey colored eyes hard to notice unless someone was up close to him. For the most part his posture gives the impression of someone who would rather be relaxing then doing whatever he is currently doing. Other then that he tenses up really easily, and it is noticeable when he does so. Occupation: Hunter currently works as a local city maintenance worker, fixing things like electrical lines, phone lines, and at times pipe work. Before that he served a short time in the National guard, though on his record it would be noticed that he does not discipline well. Skills: -Long guns: This generally includes things like shotguns, hunting rifles, and light carbines. -Automatic weaponry: Even though this is mostly limited to a standard issue M4 assault rifle, he figures it can't be too hard to adjust if need be? -Electrical engineering: While in the service Hunter took advantage of the free schooling and got a degree with a major in electrical engineering and with minors in Civil engineering and diesel engineering. Faults: -Shooting: Despite his wide range of skills with firearms, he isn't necessarily amazing with them. He can handle a lot of firearms with decent accuracy, but he is no marksmen, and he is a slow learner when it comes to knew tools. -People: Hunter is no people person, infact if placed into a social situation he will likely panic a bit and try to get out of it. Despite this once he gets used to people he can open up pretty easily. -Paranoia: Hunter is scared, of pretty much everything. When in any situation that is not going according to his mental plan he pictures worst case scenario and starts to panic as he tries to get things back on track. Once something like this kicks in alternate solutions tend to be a lot harder for him. -Endurance: Despite passing basic training Hunter isn't in the best physical condition. He barely passed physically, and afterwards didn't really keep in shape. Kind of an issue now huh? History: Hunter grew up in Florida raised by a single mother and with two younger siblings. When her job collapsed on itself his mother moved them out of state to Illinois in hopes of a better job market, figuring since she had family in the area she at least had some chance. As Hunter grew up he had taken on several different jobs, some decent but with poor pay, some that weren't decent and with about equal pay. But do to home situations he hasn't been able to hold a job more then about four months. Not until he turned eighteen and joined up with the National guard. After several months of training he passed with one of the lowest scores of his unit. He likes to call it along the lines of "jack of all trades, master of none." His former officer would reply with something like "How about moron of all trades and master of being a jackass?" While in The National guard he took multiple classes in various engineering fields. The most successful being Civil engineering and Electrical engineering. Once his time was up he applied all over the state for a job that would take him, due to his poor track record before joining the National guard getting a job was fairly difficult. After a year or so of applying for jobs he got a job working for the city maintaining city power lines, sewers, phone lines, etc. Once he obtained the job he started renting an apartment for as cheap as he could get so he could save up for a better life outside the city at some point in his life. For now, it's his life in a one room studio apartment. Equipment: Hunter for the most part will have all sorts of things in his backpack readily available "Just in case". Though some of it is limited due to legal issues he likes to keep prepared in case. *On his person: -His wallet, filled with coins, coupons, and a list of emergency contacts. -Keys to his truck, as well as the locks to his firearm cases, and his apartment. -his pocket knife, that is an always. -A metal thermos that normally holds water held onto his belt by a small carabiner. *In his bag or truck: -A really cheap crank powered radio -Road flares -Paper and pencils (And one pen, just one) Supplies (Gear normally at home): -Pump action shotgun, or as he calls it, a gift from Mom. -.38 personal defense revolver, normally kept in his sock drawer incase he can't reach anything else. -More damn paper and pencils (No more pens though), a lot of the paper is written on in pretty decent detail though spread out over his desk (His table). -A CB radio that was intended for work use, but sadly some poor scum stole it and it may or may not have landed in Hunter's apartment. -Odds and ends of at home goods, pot, pans, clothes, ect. -About two weeks of canned food and water for a single person [/center]