[center][h1]Sun Fist[/h1][/center] The thought of going to the mall sounded tempting, but his mind felt that going to school was the right thing to do. Then again Rev also wanted to get a chance to socialize with his teammates more and to learn more about them. His was stuck on which choice to make and he had to ponder it for a moment. In the end he decided to give school a skip and hang out with the others. Once at the mall Rev could see that the others were enamored with the shops and stores, but Rev was more interested in getting to know his teammates. Karlie then hurried over to the Starbucks to get some coffee. She then started goading them to come and get some coffee as well. Rev just laughed and replied. "You should try Kryptonian coffee. It is much better than this Starbucks drink that humans find so irresistible." His attention then went to the others looking a guy in a hoodie. He then saw Dick Grayson come and Rev expected them to get a stern talking to by the older hero about them skipping class.