[center] [IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/29b2adt.jpg[/IMG] [b][color=0076a3]Welcome to Olympus Academy! Olympus Academy is home to the most prestigious of demigods from around the world. It is located in the heart of Greece and is surrounded by a powerful border of magic. Olympus Academy offers only the finest of education to their students, with courses ranging from complex analysis to quantum physics. But more importantly, the academy provides extensive training in various elementals, abilities, and magic. Despite all this, the students do manage to find time for extracurricular activities, such as archery, gardening, and yes..sports. Lately, things haven't been as peaceful as they used to be at the academy. First, there were the rumors about a brewing war spreading around the campus like wildfire. As if that wasn't enough to worry about, the Greek gods themselves began to argue with one another, some power hungry while others felt as if they deserved the throne that Zeus sits upon. Recently, the students have taken it upon themselves to prepare for what is to come. As if battling monsters and evil creatures weren't enough, now there are other factions taking interest in their demise. Will the Greek gods come to their senses in time to help these young heroes, or will they have to fight what could be one of the biggest and most disastrous wars in the world, alone? Only time will tell. [/color][/b] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/300z7l0.jpg[/IMG] [/center] First, and foremost, sorry about that crappy intro but I am having some serious writer's block right now! Just to be clear, the academy is located in Athens, Greece and the year is going to be 2075. This roleplay is going to be based on students that are between the ages of fifteen to nineteen. It's going to have a modern setting, but all gods, monsters, and creatures will be based on historical ones in Greek literature and what not. [b]Now, a few rules: [/b] 1. No god-modding. Fights between characters are cool but no god-modding please. Let's all be respectful here. 2. No overpowered characters. I get that your characters will have some super awesome abilities and powers, but they [i]are[/i] part human, so please be mindful of that. 3. Mature themes need to fade to black or go to the PMs. Honestly, I know that this isn't really a "slice of life" type of roleplay, but it does have some of those "slice of life" elements to it. Romance is cool. Drama is to be expected. But if things somehow get heated between two characters, erm, you know what to do. 4. Due to how popular certain gods and goddesses may be, there is going to be a limit of three children per god/goddess. No ifs, ands, or buts :P 5. Have fun! [u][b]Character Sheet Template[/b][/u] [b](Appearance)[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Parent:[/b] [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]Personality: [/b] [b]Short Bio:[/b] [b]Extra:[/b] Feel free to ask any questions or voice any concerns :) [center] [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/i3wh2a.gif[/IMG] [b]Because it's always a good time for cute bunnies :3[/b] [hider=QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE][b]Student[/b]: Hudson [b]Parent[/b]: Hades [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) Necromancy – While he cannot summon the dead, he is able to communicate with them. (b) He can sense when someone near him may die. [b]Weapons[/b]: A bident and a spiked stave. [b]Student[/b]: Lucas [b]Parent[/b]: Apollo [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) Excels in academics and the arts. (b) Can detect when someone isn't telling the truth. [b]Weapons[/b]: A bow and arrow. [b]Student[/b]: Pheonix [b]Parent[/b]: Nemesis [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) The ability to perform better against those that have hurt her. [b]Weapons[/b] Two daggers. Highly skilled in unarmed combat. [b]Student[/b]: Lorenzo [b]Parent[/b]: Ares [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) Exceptional speed, strength, and reflexes. [b]Weapons[/b] Favors a spear. [b]Student[/b]: Micah [b]Parent[/b]: Hecate [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) Power over mist. (b) Necromancy (c) Mystiokinesis (d) Prophecy [b]Weapons[/b] N/A [b]Student[/b]: Ashton [b]Parent[/b]: Hypnos [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) Hypnokinesis (b) Astral Projection (c) Empath [b]Weapons[/b] N/A [b]Student[/b]: Eira [b]Parent[/b]: Boreas [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) She can control, and create: ice, snow, and the cold wind. [b]Weapons[/b] N/A [b]Student[/b]: Riddley [b]Parent[/b]: Athena [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) Combat prowess (b) Supernatural intelligence (c) Minor shapeshifting [b]Weapons[/b] Skilled in both armed and unarmed combat. [b]Student[/b]: Naya [b]Parent[/b]: Nyx [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) Shadow mimicry and control (b) Night vision (c) Invisibility [b]Weapons[/b] N/A [b]Student[/b]: James [b]Parent[/b]: Iapetus [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) Life force manipulation (b) Resistance to necromancy and magic. [b]Weapons[/b] N/A [b]Student[/b]: Demetrius [b]Parent[/b]: Poseidon [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) Hydrokinesis (b) Echocommunication (c) Hydroportation [b]Weapons[/b] N/A [b]Student[/b]: Elsker [b]Parent[/b]: Cupid [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) Can harness love magic (b) Becomes stronger when love is in the air (c) Can fully induce love (d) Can alter existing love (e) Harness love into physical matter [b]Weapons[/b] Bow and arrow [b]Student[/b]: Victoria [b]Parent[/b]: Nike [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) The ability to literally see the path to victory in any situation [b]Weapons[/b] N/A [b]Student[/b]: Jason/Jaimie [b]Parent[/b]: Aphrodite [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) Charming presence (b) Peace transfiguration (c) Object of desire [b]Weapons[/b] N/A [b]Student[/b]: Acacia [b]Parent[/b]: Dike [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) No mercy for the guilty (b) The eyes of justice (c) Dike's binding [b]Weapons[/b] N/A [b]Student[/b]: Zelma [b]Parent[/b]: Hades [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) She can see, speak to, and control spirits. [b]Weapons[/b] N/A [b]Student[/b]: Leona [b]Parent[/b]: Aphrodite [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) The power to heal (b) Can create protection barriers (c) Can create weapons from her love [b]Weapons[/b] N/A [b]Student[/b]: Auria [b]Parent[/b]: Hades [b]Abilities[/b]: (a) Can command the underworld (b) Can raise the dead (c) Decelerated aging (c) Eye of the damned [b]Weapons[/b] N/A[/hider] [/center]