The demon's response makes Amano flush slightly, taking his words as praise and letting them wash over him pleasantly. For some reason, the approval of this hell spawn means more to him than any opinion his family may have of him in this moment and, he knows there's something off about that, but as Illiendi speaks, he decides to simply revel in the feeling. [i]'Deep thought cam come later. For now, I just want to be happy, to feel happy, and to let myself feel good about this. I did something I've never dome before, and now. . .Now I know I won't just fold back on it'[/i] He smiles broadly at Illiendi. [i]'I will have him at my back, holding me up, pushing me forward. Bringing me into a place where I will no longer need support'[/i] Illiendi states his pride in him and the youth puffs up a little more, his eyes following his servant as he approaches. His head tilts back as he comes in close, the breath stilling in Amano's chest as he looks up into those silver orbs. The pale sky growing dark behind the demon's head frames that dusky face, the almost metallic light of his eyes shining out from another world and piercing through him as sure as a razor's edge to his heart. He nods, words not coming to him in this moment. He's not afraid, but nor is he completely settled. He swallows to try and settle his dancing heart, but in the end he simply has to look away and motions for Illiendi to join him as he heads to his room for the evening. ~*~ The day had finally come. Amano can hardly believe it. He'd delivered the second flower to his mother and did as instructed. A hug, a smile, some soft words, then he was gone. He'd offered his brothers nods, his elder brother a handshake, and a smile at his sister-in-law, before putting up with some pomp from his father who insists on coming with to see him off. Assured by Illiendi that all of his luggage has been taken care of, he lets the man lecture a bit as they head for the docks, his father using his own money for a carriage so he can show off a little bit on his own, supporting his son in this endeavor. Eventually he tunes the man on, using the time to go over what he's suppose to say to the crowd Illiendi had seen fit to gather for his departure. He can feel his nerves attacking his insides and pray he will not lose his meager breakfast in front of half the town. [i]'Okay, so, not [b]half[/b] the town, I'm not that important, but a good number of people I'm suppose to be impressing, not amusing. . . .'[/i] Letting out a soft sigh, he snaps his mouth shut as the lurch of the carriage coming to a stop threatens to aid in his stomach's attempt at showing off it's contents. His father exits first, shaking hands and greeting those he knows from the crowd. Amano pauses at the top of the stairs, letting his face be seen by those gathered before descending, Illiendi falling to his side as he makes his way through the crowd, the taller male seemingly parting the crowd with his mere presence as he stalks gracefully along. Amano is no slouch, he's been practicing, and he manages to carry himself with a firm stride as he moves through the gaggle of chattering folks, stepping up to the place set for him and shaking the captain's hand. As Illiendi mounts the soapbox behind him Amano raises his head, the tilt of his eyes indicating he's ready to speak and quieting the crowd. [i]'It's really weird to actually command attention like this'[/i] he muses, shaking off the thought as he spots his friend in the crowd and uses her teary face to spread a strong smile on his own. “I thank you all for coming today.” he starts, doing his best to keep his eyes moving so he doesn't look like he's just reciting what he's been told to say. “As you all know, I plan on taking my leave of this place, and for quite some time. I plan to take myself to lands far beyond where sane men travel, and bring back for you the wonders I find there.” He hears a few scoffing comments about how he's more likely to be sent back in a pine box before even reaching such a place, but lets them ripple off, acting as if they are clearly beneath his notice. “I have long spent my time hidden away. Being the youngest son of a man I am sure most of you know well as a man of wealth, I have little place here among you now. But come my return, I will have a place, and it will not be in question. I will use my strength gained from surviving as the youngest son and show you what powers are often hidden beneath the thin veil cast over people like me.” There are definite jeers, but Amano feels the power of his conviction and simply chuckles. “Doubt me if you must, but see you never forget, I will remember these doubts, and they will simply push me along as they always have.” He can see his father's face through the crowd and can see that, over all, he approves of his words and Amano lets out a breath. He'd done it right. Stepping back he raises a hand in valediction and the crowd applauds. Turning on his heel he steps down, following behind the captain as he leads the way on to the ship. The sailors are rushing about, getting things ready, and Amano silently thanks the captain for being not only prepared to leave immediately, but for washing up a bit before the speech. He'd been a bit worried since the last time he saw the man he'd worn something that wouldn't look out of place on a street bum. He doesn't care what the man wears on any given Sunday, but having him dressed up for the show had helped to put his mind at ease. Once on the ship, Amano takes to the side nearest the shore. He smiles and waves to the few people waving at him, giving them a positive last impression. Once they begin pulling out of the harbor however, he retreats, moving to the bow to watch the horizon. [i]'I'm doing it. I'm leaving. I'm heading off on my own to make my fortune. . .'[/i] His glance falls on Illiendi at his side and he smiles softly at the man. [i]'Well, not on my own, but for myself at least'[/i] He catches the demon's eye with his soft look before looking back towards the curve of the earth, letting the faint wind take his hair as he tires to relax into the new reality he's facing, head on, with the ever present darkness at his side, bringing him comfort.