[@Hammerman] Zeke fell backwards onto his bottom as she shouted, dropping his camera in surprise. Why was she getting angry? He'd just asked her to say sorry. You were supposed to say sorry when something bad happened. His picture got broken because she startled him. She should say sorry and then he could go back to painting and she can go back to standing. "Ah!" He picked up his camera and checked it. Dropping a camera was bad. He didn't want to break it. When he looked back up, she had gone red. Zeke's eyes went wide. She had been so pale and now she was bright red! She was yelling something, grabbing her skirt, which he hadn't even noticed. Instead, he stood up. He reached forward to take hold of her hair, pulling it down across her cheek. She turned her head and he turned it back. The contrast between the two colours was interesting, and she didn't need to spoil it by moving. "Uh-uh," he told her. Looking around, he pushed his camera into her hands, then started drawing again, trying to catch the same colours as her skin and hair. It was difficult, and he erased his first few attempts. "That's pretty. Keep doing it," He said, unaware just how close he was.