[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/65/10/aa/6510aa91d3efc00bbe99fa46a7f28482.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Atticus was not sure what to think about what Foy was saying. It wasn't that he didn't understand it but it gave him something to ponder. Adjusting his coat he simply nodded. [color=fff79a]"Well, let's be on our way then. Lead the way good man, you know the ship better than I do,"[/color] he said and motioned towards the door. He would follow Foy whichever direction he went, it was simpler that way than to just wander about. Granted he had been on ships like this before and the Alliance was a lot of things, inefficient wasn't one of them. So most ships were of similar design and there for similar layout. He knew he could figure it out without much issue but why bother when you had a guide at your side? Anisa rolled her eyes, this was not what she needed right then. A drunken doctor. Though she figured it couldn't be helped. People were in mourning and they were on silence to keep the Reavers from knowing their position. All they could do was hold tight right then, and the longer the wait the worse it made things. [color=gray]"Hardly, ~hiccup~ my good woman. ~hiccup~ Certain things you cannot lose to the black out of the mind. ~hiccup~ One of those is the pain in the heart. ~hiccup~"[/color] Jahoafat's speech was slurred but he wasn't completely gone. At least not yet. Looking over towards Harper, Anisa coked a brow. [color=f26522]"She is good, just naive and young. Patience isn't one of her virtues."[/color] Rubbing her hands through her hair, she pushed it back out of her face. Daphne was a cracker jack pilot but she was like a moody teen. She got bored easy, didn't take to authority well, thought she knew better than anyone else. It just came with being young, something the Captain hoped she would grow out of. She had done well on the Vengeance but the fact that Harper was already in the galley with them and done instructing her did make Anisa worry if Daphne was pulling one of her [i]I got this[/i] moments when in fact she didn't. [color=f26522]"Okay, lets just get a little food into everyone's stomach and everyone not on shift I want in their bunk in twenty getting sleep. Harper, once we make our next port, then we can talk. Right now, we are just going to get this day over with."[/color] Anisa's voice was frank but it was obvious she was getting irked again, especially considering the fact her fingers were drumming over the holster of her side arm. [color=f26522]"Dorothy, do me a favor. Once you eat, take something to Gene and then your sister. Make sure she's, well you know,"[/color] Anisa said giving Dorothy a tell all look. [i][color=f26522]"Make sure she doesn't pull some stupid stunt,"[/color][/i] was more what the look and the intonation of her words meant than what she had actually said. [color=gray]"Crackers? Oh my..."[/color] Jahosafat said, feeling that tell all bubbling in the pit of his stomach. [color=gray]"Do excuse me Ladies... Gentleman,"[/color] he said before taking a stumbling bolt for the door as he covered his mouth.