[@ohsosaiko] Also would like to join, and I have a character, if she's good with you. [hider=Pheonix Lafontaine][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/aa/e3/35/aae33589d75cc71619344c407b29edf9.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b] Pheonix Lafontaine [b]Age[/b] 15 [b]Parent[/b] Nemesis, Godess of Revenge [b]Abilities[/b] Pheonix possess the uncanny ability to perform much better against people who've hurt her. It's clearly more than a psychological thing, and her lack of any other supernatural abilities confirms this. There's no one thing that defines it, it's simply that when Pheonix is pissed, she thinks faster and fights harder. Unsurprisingly, people don't mess with her very often. Being a demigod, it was necessary for Pheonix to learn to fight. When dealing with monsters, Pheonix is capable enough with her two daggers, but her real strength lies in unarmed combat. The kind of unarmed combat that's about sneaky jabs and boots to guts, though. There is not much finesse in how she fights, and there's definitely no honour, but it works, and she's good at it, so that's what she does. [b]Personality[/b] Pheonix isn't totally introverted, but she generally keeps to herself. She prefers to dress in black, often wearing boots and leather jackets, but has her hair dyed bright red. Thanks largely to her mother, despite usually keeping out of other people's business, she has a very short temper, and will use her reputation to get people to back down at first, but will quickly move on to physical violence. She likes alternative rock music and reads a lot, her favourite books being the [i]Shadowhunters[/i] ones by Cassandra Clare. [b]Short bio[/b] Pheonix was born in Paris, to the godess Nemesis and a man named Pierre Lafontaine. Nemesis, at the time, was posing as a young Greek woman who had emmigrated to Paris to attend university and decided to stay afterwards. Pierre, however, was unfaithful a few years after Pheonix's birth, and Nemesis ended up killing both him and the other woman (deities of vengeance tend to be pretty harsh that way). Pheonix's lack of a father made things difficult for Nemesis, and she soon decided to bring Pheonix to the Academy. Because of this, Pheonix has been there almost her entire life, and doesn't remember what it was like outside.[/hider]