With how determined two others of their eclectic band seemed to disappear, Arthera's amber eyes narrowed, looking neither upon the gnomish company or the man stationed over him. It was a scowl that telegraphed her emotion upon the matter of them dismissing themselves. This man, this [i]general[/i], was one of the few people in this entire damnable city that had earned a post or station by some deeds; he looked the part, not some pathetic common-blooded ilk like the people outside drunk on some holiday they hadn't even the faintest of. And this was how they would offer any thanks? [i]Much too short lived, but I suppose there's little else to learn from this.[/i] The woman's mind wandered thereafter for a moment, before her lips again moved and the rest of her remained most idle; cloak and clothes still other than her calm breathing. In truth she was gauging who else would see themselves out before any real comment was given, but to her pleasant surprise, none did. Knowing nothing more in this moment was to be said, or so it seemed, she drew up her weathered hood to mask her head and almost offered the man a smile from under it. "And some of us appreciate you lending us added insight." The feral eyes blinked thoughtfully, looking then to Cavanaugh, "You have my word that what has been said here I will not share." The wording was phrased carefully, methodically, as the invoker knew well she had no power over the rest. The only person she [i]might[/i] hold any influence over was her elven compatriot, in that they shared a common interest and a common bond, but even then there were no such promises. People, unlike the beasts of the realm or the primordial building blocks that made it up, were often unpredictable; you knew well fire could burn, for better or worse, all that changed was who handled it and just how they did so. Rare was it to find any you could really put faith in, making the information entrusted a bit more personal to her. She looked down to Ceria, who she towered over, next to the place she had chosen to stand. The other woman was still holding on to her bow and visibly shaken by the seeming lack of dignity displayed earlier in the effort to gain goods. "Shall we go?" Arthera inquired, gently slipping each of her hands into her loose sleeves and folding them behind her back.