[center][img=https://i.imgur.com/LGEn1Gl.png][/center] [center][i]"Truly, there is no other period of time than ours, when man has conquered nature itself. We rule the skies, the seas, and the land. Our cities grow larger and our factories double in size. These are the times when smoke filled the skies....."[/i][/center] [center]No one can stop the industrial machine from advancing, keep science from discovering, or adventurers from exploring. In the early years of this isolated land of Atlius, Three large, great empires had united the surrounding kingdoms through various means of conquest, marriage, and economic superiority. These ancient civilizations set the modern scene you see today, for these empires created various standards for communication, localized various ethnic groups, and expanded into the previously unknown wilderness. But as man began to finally conquer nature itself, something happened. Nobody knows how, what, or why, but these three great, unnamed empires seemingly vanished overnight, leaving behind very little evidence of their existence. Whatever surviving people began to create their own kingdoms, city states, and nations across Atlius, surviving many trials of time. Though soon man would turn in his sword, in exchange for the firearm. Industrial Revolution swept across Atlius, touching every nation in the land. Airships now suddenly fly through the skies, metal monsters sail through the seas and crawl along the land. It is a time for change, a time for advancement. The world is a smaller place now, with inventions such as the telegraph and the radio. Man now dominates the all aspects of nature and is fueling his progress at an insatiable rate. For this is the time, when smoke filled the skies, and what will you do? Shall your nation lead the world in technology? Perhaps amaze foreign lands with your superior culture? Or be crushed by your mighty treads and massive cannons? Or will be simply buried, by the invisible hand of time? It is Mid-Spring in the land of Atlius as many people now recover from the particularly harsh winter of 1459. What shall the beginning of this decade hold for them?[/center]