[b][color=662d91]Roleplay:[/color][/b] Soulless Regency [b][color=662d91]Date of post:[/color][/b] February 11, 2017 [b][color=662d91]Character:[/color][/b] Fyror Gallant Kildragon [hr] [hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161203/27a034e8ea53c1b04481b19ad78c9a9c.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/66dpxw.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][color=DC143C]Location:[/color][/b] Brunswick Chapel of Ease to St. Maryle Bone [/center][hr][hr] Fyror watched the man’s expression as Jeanette informed him of the Cargast attack in Hyde Park. A startled look crossed the man’s face and understandably so. With the sheer magnitude of Jericho’s barricade at thirty feet high and twenty feet deep with a single entrance it provides the near perfect illusion of safety. Though Fyror had no doubt that it had its flaws, and the Soulless have surely found them. That is assuming they weren’t already here, biding their time in the shadows. These Soulless needed to be dealt with before they multiplied and became too much to handle. After all, these walls could not only keep others out but also keep everyone in. The man began to speak up but paused as he did a once over Jeanette, apparently noting her unusual choice of attire. Fyror’s jaw tightened the slightest in annoyance. He caught Jeanette’s glance in his direction out of the corner of his eye. He was glad that she didn’t seem too bothered by the man. Fyror was furthermore relieved when they weren’t met with any opposition and the man led them to his office. Fyror followed alongside Jeanette into the man’s office. The man sat down at his desk and pulled out a ledger. “Now, please, tell me what you both know in full detail,” he stated after dipping his quill in the ink. Jeanette promptly began explaining the ordeal they had witnessed. Fyror listened to her explanation and was ready to provide any added details or fill in any gaps. [color=DC143C]“The victim was a young girl. It was a seemingly random choice, though once the girl is properly identified perhaps we will have more insight on the matter. The Cargast, in the form of a thick fog, started to head deeper into Hyde Park. It had plenty of potential victims and ample opportunities to attack once more, but it didn’t…”[/color] Fyror filled in the gaps and openly deliberated on what it could mean for the people of London. His face fell and his body stiffened as a horrible realization hit him. [color=DC143C]“Maybe it was sending a message…We can’t deny that these Soulless could be more intelligent than we first thought. After all, they were once human.”[/color] He glanced over at Jeanette before looking back at the man. His face revealed his genuine concern over the given situation. He knew that there were surely dark times ahead.