[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nDllAWC.png[/img] [h3][color=de3163][b][u] ERIS REINHARDT [/u] [sup][i]Murasaki City General Hospital[/i][/sup][/b][/color][/h3] [/center] [color=de3163]"You don't need to worry, you aren't intruding. We were just talking about... girl things, should I say?"[/color] Eris smiled to Yoshino as she attempted to dispel Aaron's embarrassment and avoid talking about their previous topic. She wasn't going to betray the Black King's secret, at least until Yoshino felt like revealing herself to the world. In fact, Eris couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement in finally cracking that puzzle, she wasn't going to hand her hard earned reward to anyone else so easily. In the end she could could only hope that Yoshino trusted her on this. [color=de3163]"Our weekend?"[/color] The intrigued look on Eris' face was a rare sight for anyone not acquainted to her. It wasn't every day that someone asked that kind of question out of Eris. She felt rather unguarded against it, at first. [color=de3163]"I can only hope Yoshino's was good. My own was... hectic, perhaps? Not in a bad way, it's just that... you would understand pretty fast if you had a sister like mine. Eins is super doting but she's also quite a handful—"[/color] Eris interrupted herself when she noticed a critical flaw of this conversation. [color=de3163]"I'm sorry. Here I'm, talking about myself, but we haven't even been introduced yet. If I'm not wrong,"[/color] she said, carefully moving a few hair strands that fell over her face. [color=de3163]"I'm Eris,"[/color] Eris smiled politely as she spoke, [color=de3163]"though, I guess anyone on the Academy knows that by now, right?"[/color] She tried to do some kind of joke, given the tone of her voice. The question was if the others would get it. [color=de3163]"What about you, Mister?"[/color] Eris asked Aaron in a somewhat teasing tone. [color=de3163]"By the way, what you meant when you said that we are all screwed? That's quite a roundabout comment. I'm not really sure how to elaborate on that,"[/color] she said, resting her hands over her lap as she waited for Aaron's replies. [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img] [@TheWindel] [@Mega Birb] [/center]