[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/YG1nnMR.jpg?1[/img][/center] [b][color=gray]Name:[/color][/b] [color=silver] [i]Bastian Bostel[/i] [/color] [b][color=gray]Alias:[/color][/b] [color=silver] [i]Bass / BB[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Age: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]28[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Gender: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Male[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Sex: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]The only kind of drive he doesn't care about[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Notoriety [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]-2[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Appearance: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Bastian is a wiry, lithe builded man with a square jaw, a small cleft on his chin, and dirty blonde hair that’s rarely not unkempt. He stands barely over six feet, and takes very few precautions in regards to his seemingly ratty appearance. He isn’t too muscular, but he’s more concerned about agility and finesse than bulk and power. (It's the brain that matters, right? And it's ain't like his armor is weak.) Despite his cheap style, he is rarely seen without some sort of technological device or gadget (weapons and armour excluded) with which he can toy. His most notable (and used) accessories are his cyber-goggles — often referred to as, ‘my babies.’ He generally has a pensive, distracted look on his face, but if his ears didn’t serve a purpose, then he probably would have had them removed by now. So, yeah, he’s paying attention; he just lacks the reason to let people know it.[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Personality: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]As a technojunky with too much idiosyncratic curiosity, Bastian’s most incredible skill is his resourcefulness. He can do a lot of something outta a lot of nothing and likes to keep it that way. Sure, the fancy stuff is damn wankable, but in the end, Bastian doesn’t appreciate waste (even if he might look like something similar; at least, without his armour). He’s a minimalist and believes less is more (the cleaner the kill, the better). Of course, [i]if[/i] more is needed, Bastian isn’t so prude that he’d shy from getting necessary resources. But, yah guessed it (Or did you? [i]Hyuk.[/i]), if shoes are optional, he ain’t fucking gunna wear any. His social life is also fairly minimal, but that doesn’t mean he’s shy. In fact, he’s pretty curious about how other people operate and function. He looks at them (especially with all the cybernetics and cyborgs polluting the world) as some sort of technological device that humanity hasn’t quite learned how to properly hack, yet. If his cues come off as odd or queer, it’s probably ‘cause he’s trying to find the backdoor or break it — he’s pretty fucking selfish like that.[/i] [/color] [center][i]Ingenius – Egocentric – Perceptive – Incongruous[/i][/center] [b] [color=gray]Bio: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]It’d be stupid to imagine Bastian hadn’t grown up in the dirty part of some mega-city, but then again, anything is possible, right? Right. Except, Bastian’s upbringing is pretty transparent with nothing too internally different than the exterior that he portrays. Both his parents worked as minimal, disposable employees to the lowest ranks of some mega-corporation (Eurocorp) that incidentally had it’s tentacles wrapped tightly around the entire population. Shocker of shockers, right? Bastian is transparent, after all -- up until the whole part where his backstory gets convoluted with weird coding and keyboards that no one but him can use properly and all that good matrix fuckery. It is assumed someone close to him knew something about something and got him hooked on the program where he cleaned up his agile techno-abilities while operating under the 17DEM movement. on the side, he 'punched cards under the table,' and at some point, his jaded goggles got murkier, and he stopped seeing any point in helping any movement aside from himself. Putting his organized guerilla warfare days to a partial rest, he now free-lances his work, and as a front, he repairs lower-end electronics and lives in a shoe box apartment.[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]District: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]DST-21-EAST.[/i] [/color] [hider=Weapons][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/feIHM3B.jpg[/img] [color=gray][b]Konchu III[/b][/color][/center] [color=silver] [i]An original device constructed and innovated by Bastian. Konchu III has quite a bit of memory for a little guy and operates relatively smoothly, surfing the atmosphere for grids and patterns that she can spin into her own web. Her main function is for ease of movement through nets and clouds of information, where she can manipulate frequencies and such for confusion or delayed response time from the target. Her range is only a fifty meter circumference, however. She has several moveable cameras on her and can shoot a total of seven paralyzing electric darts in 'self-defense.' She also has a kamikaze mechanism (causing her to explode and destroy her valuable information), which had to be used on Konchu I and II. Bastian hopes Konchu III will not leave him a Widower.[/i] [/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/0f1Zs1y.jpg?1[/img] [color=gray][b]NADE Rifle[/b][/color][/center] [color=silver][i]A cyber-rifle of sorts. It's fantasmic. It's orgasmic. It's Bastian's cock, but it's probably not his manhood, 'cause that's more of a biological thing than a weaponry thing. It's not the loudest thing, if yah could not tell, yet. Flash and show ain't for Bastian. However, whatever is being shot out of the barrel might be a little bit surprising for anyone that doesn't know the model.[/i] [/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gSc84oC.jpg?1[/img] [color=gray][b]Low-Energy Pocket Knife[/b][/color][/center] [color=silver][i]The knife doesn't need to be glowing to work, but it definitely is more harmful when it is. Bastian mostly has this handy little gadget for extreme cases of emergency. Although, he'll lie and say otherwise. It is a fun little girl to twirl around in his hand and cut chords with.[/i][/color][/hider] [hider=Armour][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qVlxoPr.jpg?2[/img] [color=gray][b]TC-WASP Suit[/b][/color][/center] [color=silver][i]Formally known as the Transparent Chrysis-Wireless Application Service Protector. As someone who prefer the minimalist aesthetic as opposed to the bulky brute advertisement of baddassery, Bastian has taken his pocket change and invested it in this sleek, hi-tech, fabric of a build. Modeled after the giant Chrysis Wasp, the transparent suit's uses wireless technology to blue-ray (as can be seen more prominently in the suit that produces an anonymous mask over Bastian's face) a cybernetic force around his body. The suit's stealth ability is its dominant feature -- and like the Chrysididae do in the wild, the user of this suit has all the tools necessary to make a complete, unsuspecting cuckolding infiltration over his targets. The suit can be worn in broad daylight without attracting much attention, worn under every-day attire. Removal of any clothing covering the suit is necessary for (near) invisibility. When not being used for transparency, the suit is black in nature with quick lights of blue circulating through the tight weave. The TC-WASP also offers electronic capabilities to source other such tech-devices. When the mask is in use, vital information (variant on how well the user operates the TC-WASP's system) can be dispersed for registration by the user.[/i] [/color][/hider] [b] [color=gray]Cybernetics: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]None[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Account Balance: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]2500creds[/i] [/color] [b][color=gray]Other:[/color][/b] [color=silver] [i]N/A[/i] [/color]