[center][b][url=http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html]"If I Ever Became an Evil Overlord" List[/url][/b][/center] [center][u][b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLXwpGCn2KQ]Greetings plebs![/url][/b][/u][/center] Dear [@Kiwiwiwi], [@ActRaiserTheReturned], [@SilverRain], [@Lady Selune], [@Andreyich], [@Kalleth] [i]"I am The Infamous Warlord D'ren Connor McMasters of the Hell Planes of Malevora! You can call me your evil overlord! About a year ago, I invaded and conquered your pathetic excuse for a planet, making every nation's government subject to me! However, unlike most rookie evil overlords, I did not make my base of operations the chief capital city of the most wealthy and powerful nation. Nor did I put it in a ravine beneath which is the perfect vantage point for your marksmen. Neither did I put it atop a mountain for all to see and revel at. You do not know where it bloody is, only that I broadcast to all the nations this modulated voice message, so that you do not know what I look like, nor what I really sound like! So HA!"[/i] An evil overlord has been in control of your nation, and realm, for a year. He has also blockaded dimensional travel, so that nobody may enter or leave the realm without his expressed permission. However, don't think that you can rally your fellow citizens against him. To most, he is considered benevolent due to the fact he always rains money and candy down on orphanages and hospitals. You, and only you, and maybe one or two others, realize his true menace, and now you must construct a plan to remove him from his shiny throne, the location of which you are unsure. Protagonists, such as heroes, sidekicks, talking donkeys, and resentful nobles who once controlled an entire industry but were ousted from their position by one of the overlord's lieutenants, will begin as any character of any race with any name, job, background, appearance, ethnicity, and superpowers all on the same small island-nation of Gi. It's about a third of the size of Rhode Island. So before you do anything, you might want to go looking for other protagonists on that island. Antagonists, such as the overlord's trusted lieutenant, distrusted lieutenant(s), advisers, concubines, and grunts in the Legions of Terror, will be somewhere else. Once I make my initial post, you will know. ;) To keep a minuscule amount of fairness here, if the same number of people who showed interest join, I will make one hero a co-GM and one villain a co-GM. If they agree that something I did as the evil overlord is too OP even for him, or if enough protagonists (or villains for that matter) come to one or both of them with an issue that they feel I am being too lenient toward the villains and too hard on the heroes, IC, we will take a vote and I will change my ways accordingly. :) However, see the rules below for more details on that. Go ahead and post a character sheet below for approval. [quote] Name: Nickname: Alias: Title: CB Handle: Slurs your frenemies call you: Pet name from your SO, if you're fortunate enough to have one because I haven't kidnapped them yet: Species: Race/ethnicity (being Scottish may or may not help...): Gender: Alignment (good or evil; neutral = dead, so dont put that): Occupation (that means what you do for money, not what rank you hold): Smart Bio (it might benefit you not to include every detail of your life...): Powers (put anything. I dare you. Seriously.): Weapons/other items carried: Appearance (Realistic pic preferred. No anime. Not trying to be funny here.): Other: [/quote] Potential antagonist-player:: "But I want to be the evil overlord's trusted lieutenant! Why isn't there a spot for rank/position!?" 'Cuz I don't know you! I pick my lieutenants. End of story. (thats supposed to be funny, not mean lol) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [u][b]Rules (eh, more like guidelines)[/b][/u] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1) Click the laugh button if you think a post is funny. Consider this your [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYVO5bUFww0]laugh track.[/url] But also keep in mind that everyone has different styles of humor. I personally am decent at essay/narrative humor and witty dialogue, but not too good at slapstick. Just because you dont think something is funny, that doesn't mean someone else doesn't too. And just because you arent getting props for your humor, doesnt mean someone isnt reading it, liking it, and just not making it obvious. As the Evil Overlord, I will not be laughing at ANYONE! XD 2) Any and all races from any genre are allowed. You may take a canon character and change the name and costume sightly, to introduce a black and yellow-clad DiePool, but don't just bring in DeadPool. Although this is designed to be a free, multiversal and meta RP, I simply want to see true creativity in not just the jokes, but also the characters. 3) Be meta. 4th-wall breaks (talking to the readers) is encouraged, but don't do it every five seconds. 4) Screw with tropes. If there's something not in the list that you wanna make fun of, do it. But keep in mind that if you make fun of something that another player deems very important (certain political or religious beliefs, or even playful ethnic slurs), they have the right to retaliate IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC.... (not OOC). 5) Time period: while this will be mainly set in a high fantasy/medieval setting, feel free to include laser guns and space ships and shit. But be smart about it. I want us to be able to explain stuff like that away, not make it the central focus of the RP. Just keep that in mind when you're looking in a cave for a superweapon and find an alien mothership with infinite power. It's probably a trap. 6) I saw a few villains, but before I make the first IC post, I want to see at least one character capable of being a hero...or, you know...a hero's sidekick. Someone to oppose the evil overlord. Also, for now (to keep you protagonist-players in the same vicinity), you are all starting in the same country on the same continent. 7) We will, for now, be focused on the first 100 points in the list. (The following rule may seem both confusing and unnecessary, but this is just insurance against my egomania. If nobody has any problems, we wont have to worry about it.) 8) Hero or villain. Not both. Not neutral. 9) Co-GMs and voting: it's human nature to not want to look bad in front of people, and I'm no different. If someone accuses me of something in the OOC board, I will probably look at them like theyre crazy. So, to keep me out of it until absolutely necessary, do the following: A) PM one of the Co-GMs (if you're a hero and you PM the villain Co-GM, dont be surprised if they disagree with you) and ask that GM to talk to the other GM. B) Once the player does that, they just wait. C) The two Co-GMs will discuss it (dont take forever), and decide if the player's concerns are warranted. D) If both Co-GMs agree with the player, they are to both PM ME and let me know I was being unrealistic in my IC post. E) If the villain Co-GM doesn't see it, the Co-GM who was PMed will PM the player back, as well as the other players who are in the same alignment (heroes/villains), and take a vote. The results have to be close to 3/4, and at least one villain agreeing with the accuser, if it is to go any further, because if all the villains vote for my decision being fair, and all the heroes vote against it, and we have more heroes than villains, of course the majority will win. This keeps me and the hero co-GM from taking over the literal RP universe. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[THE WORLD, in case you care]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] World: flat-earth called Pababa; has three large continents/nations, one small one, and many islands Continent 1/Oroka: An empire ruled by an emperor and an empress, subject to the Evil Overlord; think medieval England (central on the map) Continent 2/Ala-ala-ala: A very tribal land rich with culture and precious metals (take a guess which one of those things the overlord is interested in); think Africa or the middle-east (far north, very cold) Continent 3/Maaaaerp: (number of A's dont matter) this continent is run by a bunch of kids under 18 who lost their parents in a fatal "welcoming of the overlord" ceremony; think steampunk (southwest) Small continent/Bardos: Bards dont play; well, they play musical instruments, but that's it. They also like to play games. Ok, bards play a lot. But their army dont play when it comes to resisting the evil overlord; think Australia, but right after it was settled by prisoners... (far east) Gi: the small island all heroes must start on. You may leave if you wish, but you should probably make a plan first. (between Bardos and Oroka)