[img]http://www.mens-hairstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Guy-with-Blonde-Hair.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Hudson Fulbright [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Parent:[/b] Hades [b]Abilities:[/b] He is learning some form of necromancy. He can't actually summon the dead, but he can talk to them if he concentrates really hard. He can also sense when someone near him may die. He is proficient at fight with a bident, his fathers signiature weapon, but he prefers the spiked stave he found abandoned on campus. [b]Personality:[/b] Hudson is very solitary, constantly seeking to be alone. He has an unceasing lust to know more about the darker side of life, about the dead and ghosts and those traveling freaks you see in gypsy caravans. Having spent his life mostly alone he is rather inexperienced socially and rough-around-the-edges. However, he craves some sort of connection, and if he think he shares a connection with someone he is extremely loyal to them. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Hudson was raised in Queens by a rather upper-class mother. Hudson found he did not fit in with her crowd. He was brooding, talked like a mobster stereotype from the 1940s, and was extremely uncouth. However, at the age of 14, he was somehow able to predict that his grandfather was going to have a heart attack and die a couple of weeks after his prediction. He was somehow right. He had a peculiarly extensive knowledge of the occult and an appreciation for it. When he turned 15, Hermes recruited him due to his abilities. He lives on campus now, still pretty chuffed that his father is the King of the Underworld. Hades. [b]Extra:[/b] [list] [*] His theme song is [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee_uujKuJMI]American Idiot[/url] by Green Day [*] He is left handed [*] Runs an extra-curricular occult club. There is a very low number of people who actually go. [/list] [hider=Hudson's relations] [h3][colour=Mediumspringgreen] || Phoenix Lafontaine || [/colour][/h3] "[i]Well, we're friends. She's the closest person I have. Not that I need someone to be close to.[/i]" Hudson is very close to Phoenix. When he started going to the academy, she played guide, and they found each other really good company. He acts like he doesn't need her, but he secretly cares a great deal about her. He's never really had a proper friend before. [h3][colour=teal] || Micah Everwood || [/colour][/h3] "[i]Ugh, can't that 'ray of sunshine' take a hint and leave me alone?[/i] Micah makes many attempts to be friends with Hudson. Do any of them work? No. This is probably because Hudson thinks Micah is like a fly at a picnic. No matter how many times you whack him off, he will come back. And he's so damn perky. What's that about? He's just a pest, albeit a cute pest. [h3][colour=slateblue] || Ashton Caverly || [/colour][/h3] "[i]The kid's like a little me. He doesn't want to be around people. So, I'll help him with that. It's what brothers do.[/i]" Even if they aren't related, Hudson views Ashton as a little brother, and helps him in an indirect way. Like scaring off anyone who wants to bug he when he wants to be alone. Hudson also acknowledges that Ashton probably shouldn't call himself a freak, and thinks he's perfectly normal. Not like he'll say anything, though. That's what big brothers are for: inwardly caring. [h3][colour=seagreen] || Riddley Kingsley || [/colour][/h3] "[i]She calls herself smart, but she's dumber than she thinks! Don't tell her I said that, I beg you."[/i] Hudson sees Ridley as his boss. She seems to be leading the revolution against Zeus, so he follows her in a sense. But secretly, he isn't doing it for her, he's doing it for his father. He doesn't want her to find out, because she secretly scares him to death, but if he must deceive her, he must. [h3][colour=tomato]|| Enzo March ||[/colour][/h3] "[i]The big guy is loud, hot headed, and the other member if the Terrible Twosome. Also easily fooled.[/i]" Enzo is the co-leader of Team Athena, so naturally, Hudson had to get 'in' with him, which he found was an absolute nightmare. Fortunately for him, Enzo also seems as easy to deceive as Ridley, even though Hudson has taken a bit of a shine to him. Not that he wants to be friends. No. Never. [h3][colour=purple]|| Auria Grace-Stone ||[/colour][/h3] "[i]We're half siblings, so I'm told. I teach her the few social cues I know, privately, she teaches me necromancy. Privately[/i]" Hudson respects Auria enough to teach her the little he knows about proper interaction skills. She, in turn, teaches him necromancy. A nice little system he quite enjoys. He never really acknowledges the fact they're related as, if his other siblings are anything to go by, she'll be just as disdainful as the others, and will probably kill him if he insults her. A terrifying thought. [h3][colour=palegoldenrod]|| Dylan Merlow ||[/colour][/h3] "[i]Insufferable party boy. Nothing more or less.[/i]" As seen above, Hudson thinks of Dylan as too much of a crazy party boy to care much about him, but will talk to him on occasion. These conversations usually involve some form of verbal onslaught on his part. Fun times. [/hider]