Parker continued to trudge through the snow, which had gotten ankle-deep by this point, grumbling and cursing all the way. His home was less than a kilometre away, but at this rate, it'd take him much longer than the usual five or so minutes it normally took. He could have taken his car to work, on hitched a ride on a bus, but [i]noooooo[/i], he decided to actually get out and [i]walk[/i] to work. Admittedly, the day was bright and clear in the morning, with the frozen icicles hanging off tree branches glistening in the sun. He enjoyed those sights, and maybe he [i]did[/i] enjoy that morning stroll through city park. The wind howled, and Parker's cap was almost blown off his head. He yelped as he swiftly snatched it from the air and tightened it. He stared up towards the sky. The winds were picking up, and the blizzard was getting more severe. Not a good thing. He didn't want to experience a whiteout again. Checking his holotool once more, he noted that the temperature had fallen by one degree. He shivered. He honestly hoped it wouldn't drop to negative sixty this year. Shoving his hands deeper into his pockets, he picked up his pace. Just then, someone stumbled out of the snow-covered forest, appearing cold and confused. Parker couldn't make out who it was, but the person clearly needed help. He made his way towards the person. Nearing the person, Parker noticed that it was a woman who seemed to be in her early twenties. His eyes widened slightly when he saw what she was wearing. She was wearing a thin, sleeveless dress, which had slits in the sides that revealed her admittedly shapely legs, and a pair of knee-high boots. Clothes horrifically unsuited for the cold. Did she have a death wish or something? Still, she clearly needed help, her arms wrapped around herself in an attempt to preserve body heat. Parker approached her slowly. [color=0072bc]"Hey!"[/color] He called over the sound of the wind. [color=0072bc]"Do you need some help?"[/color]