Thanks! And here's a student!) [hider=Kora] [h1]Kora [/h1] [img][/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Jarla Kora Mari Nørrevinter of Vollr, Firstborn of Reinhardt the Red, Bearer of the Fires of Surtr [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Kora to most people. Ginger, The Viking, Princess, Conan the Barbarian to some others. [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Primary:[/b][Pyromancy [b]Student[/b][/size] [b]Secondaries of Interest[/b] Familiar Conjuring, Weapon Infusement [b] Description:[/b] Kora is, shall we say,a rather distinct individual. Over six and a half feet tall, she comes across as pretty intimidating at first glance. And for many she only becomes more intimidating from there. She has a mop of red-ginger hair that reaches above her shoulders, and pale skin that makes her a magnet for sunburn. Her eyes appear a dark, blue-tinted grey. Kora speaks with a distinct scandinavian accent, and is able to speak in English and Norwegian, having been born off the coast of Norway. She tends to shout when annoyed, or excited, or trying to emphasize, so she's rather hard to ignore. The girl rarely thinks too hard about clothing, (and at 6'6 can't exactly afford to be picky) so tends to just wear whatever she can get hold of and whatever happens to be easy to move round in at the time. What tends to be less negotiable is her pewter Mjölnir pendant, that she will wear as long as she is able to. An old, plain thing that retains a large amount of spiritual significance to her. [b]Personality:[/b] Kora is defined mostly be being quite...intense. In pretty much all ways. If she is angry she is screaming and shouting and breaking things. If she's happy she's also screaming and shouting and breaking things. Most extremes of emotion seem to manifest in destruction of some form, and when she isn't doing any of these she's often listening to far-too-loud heavy metal music or bragging about something her or her family can do. She can...grate on people a little. Kora has a serious trouble controlling her temper, and struggles not to let small slights turn into fighting. In addition, she is also kind of a brat. Kora has been raised to see herself as destined for greatness. The child of 100 generations of selective breeding, she feels that she is special, that she is just waiting to show the world something amazing. Whether this is justified or not, remains to be seen. Stemming from this, Kora is a little bit elitist in regard to bloodlines. She tends to see herself around the top spot, other bloodlines below. She doesn't mistreat them, but she will sometimes condescend to them and neglect to understand why they might be irritated by this. Whilst she has many faults, Kora is, if nothing else, extraordinarily brave and unflinchingly loyal. She thinks nothing about taking a hit for others, or fighting to defend people. As far as she is concerned, that is her reason to be. [b]Skills:[/b] -The Nørrevinter family have been preparing Kora for her destiny for years, since she was a very young child. As a result, Kora is both athletic and a very skilled pyromancer already. She demonstrates impressive power and control for her age. (And has no problems showing it off.) - The Nørrevinter family's perfected technique, berserker rage, was taught to her at a young age by her aunt. The technique allows a pyromancer to remove the natural 'safety limits' their own minds and bodies place on the manipulation of their element. A berserk pyromancer's abilities vastly increase, and their own temperature skyrockets, skin starting to become searingly hot to the touch, enough to cauterize wounds shut very quickly. They can channel huge amounts of energy in this time. [b]Weaknesses:[/b]- The berserker ability is extremely damaging for a pyromancer. As such, Kora has been frequently instructed to use it only in dire emergency, and it more often than not results in the death, or horrific scarring, of the user. -The combination of selective inbreeding within the family in order to increase their pyromantic ability has resulted in many inherited defects in the family. As such many of her family die young, or suffer from poor health in later life. It is thought to e part of the reason that the Nørrevinters still stress the usage of the potentially fatal berserker technique. [b]Brief History:[/b] Kora was born on the small island of Vollr as the daughter of Reinhardt (or Ren) Nørrevinter, the then family head. As the named heir she was showered with attention that her siblings did not receive, and had most anything she could want. The Nørrevinter are an ancient and very powerful pyromancer line, who have held a seat on the Council of Eight for centuries, and who have always had a loud (and often angry) voice in the political mage world. Their own folklore claiming that they have the blood of eldjötnar in their veins, the family have been warriors since their inception, and have selectively bred over generations to that end. Tall, loud, aggressive, and built like giants, to provoke the wrath of a Nørrevinter was the risk great danger for yourself and anything flammable in your general area. This however, did little to prevent the war, and Kora's father father was killed in action when Kora was only three years old. As such, much of Kora's upbringing was seen to by her Aunt Hilda, and Uncle Erik. Hilda had resolved to take over leadership of the family after the death of her brother, awaiting his heir's coming of age. In the interim time Kora was raised on the isolated scandinavian isle, and relentlessly trained in pyromancy and combat. She was only too eager to take up her place at the school. For her, it presented a chance to shine, to show what one hundred generations of preparation could do.[/hider]