[center][h2][color=00aeef]Martin Price[/color][/h2][/center] [hider=Current Team] [hider=Nincada][IMG]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/normal/nincada.png[/IMG] Nincada Type: Bug/Ground Moves: Scratch, Leech Life, Harden. Ability: Compound Eyes Level: 10 Held Item: None Status: Ready to go. [/hider] [hider=Bulbasaur][IMG]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/normal/bulbasaur.png[/IMG] Bulbasaur Nickname: Sprout Type: Grass/Poison Moves: Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip. Ability: Overgrow Level: 10 Held Item: None Status: Ready to go.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Inventory] 1555 P Antidote X1 Pokeball X5 Great Ball Repel X2 Potion X2 Awakening Paralyze Heal Escape Rope[/hider] Martin was all too right about having to go through water. His shoes were indeed not ready for this. Damp, dark cave and the feeling of not being alone. They were large fish, orange and white. Martin pulled out his Pokedex to scan the Pokemon. It was a Goldeen, which was a water type. He had a grass type, and could probably catch this. His current team was really weak to fire, and this should fix that problem. [color=00aeef]"Hey Dawkin, which way was it from here? If you don't mind, I kind of want one of these Goldeens. Never hurts to catch a few Pokemon along the way, right? What do you think, Sprout?"[/color] Sprout was enjoying the swim through the water, his tiny feet paddling along the surface. He wasn't paying much attention to anyone. Martin had a smile on his face, amused by seeing such a sight. [color=00aeef]"Sprout, are you having fun?"[/color] Sprout finally snapped out of it, looking around before getting back to dry land. He looked back at Martin again, trying to look like he wasn't caring. Martin wanted to tease Sprout, but that would get him back a few steps and let it slide. [color=00aeef]"Now let's see, a Grass type move should end this in maybe two hits, and I got plenty of Pokeballs. Yeah, should be quick and easy. Alright Sprout, use Leech Seed to slowly drain it's health. Then use Vine whip and we'll see if that's enough to start trying to catch it."[/color] Sprout looked for the closest Goldeen and fired small seeds at it. Martin was having a silent moment in his head, Sprout did what he told it to do! Finally, progress. He hoped this was going to be quick, as he still had things to do. If there was any other good Pokemon, they would have to wait. This was greedy, but he did need something that was strong against Fire types, just in case.