I believe I responded to everyone who tagged me, so yeah, read away! :3 [quote=@Suku] As is a few things needs to be made clear in my opinion I do find some of the abilities interesting but as of now a bit to much for the moment. With that said dxd lore states that divine beings can not be turned into a piece also on the topic goddess in human skin is different from being born of a goddess and a human which would be a demigod. Beyond that I like the char I really do but I feel like some parts needs to be fixed a bit more though it is up to Demon in the long run. Side note I love your icon Haru is great one of my favorite chars in persona 5. [/quote] Ahh yes, I knew something would crop up ^-^ There's a problem with DxD lore if Divine Beings can't be made into evil pieces, though: Rossweisse! :D Now I'm not an expert on both DxD lore nor real life Norse mythology, but a quick google search found that Rossweisse, a full-blooded Valkyrie, became a rook. Valkyries, according to another quick google search, are actually goddesses themselves, so surely a demi-god would fit under acceptable if that were the case :3 And yes, for some reason I couldn't think of the word demi-god, so that one's on me XD And thank you! ^-^ Haru is by far the best waifu ;) [quote=@1Charak2] After a more detailed read. Somethings are a problem Demons are devils, they are the same race, therefore what does banishment entitle? Forced teleportation away? "As demons and devils are still members of the same race, demons possess all the average powers and abilities as devils (increased physical abilities, enhanced senses, see in the dark, flight, & language" Quote from wiki. Secondly, Gateway needs a to be penetrable by outside forces. Thirdly, it mostly just comes down to clarifying things most of this can be sorted with a bit more detail on the ins and outs of some things. [/quote] Banishment = Death, quite simply ^-^ If I were to use an example, think Asia's holy water and it's effects on devils. For the low-level devils, it would take a lot less light than, say, an archdemon (who could probably think of it as a mere irritation). So banishment would be an exorcist term used to describe the incineration of a devil from over-exposure to holy light c: As for demons being devils, I tend to use both rather loosely, so yeah, that's just me not being technical enough :3 That can easily be done: once the portal is open, it stays that way until everyone inside it leaves ;) Ahh yes, clarification, my old nemesis XD I'm perfectly happy to go over the app as it is in more detail, though it might take awhile. I wrote it in a pretty tired state, so I'd be more than happy to go over it this afternoon when I'm more awake :P [@Demon Shinobi] Aww Christ XD I don't know if you can tell, but I begun writing this as a Bishop, with her original power going to be dance c: When I saw that was taken I thought of a knight with a holy sword, since that wasn't taken, but when I found out it was [i]reserved[/i] [s]i cant read ;-;[/s] I was like "then I'll try for a magic rook!" As you can see, it's not the easiest to churn out :D I'll be sure to make any necessary changes :3 [quote=@Rune_Alchemist] ...Kohana might just challenge Ekibe to a dancing contest. The fox can give her a run for money as far as dancing goes. That Glaive of hers can be used in a number of creative ways during dancing, heh~ [/quote] Ekibe won't need a pole to show what she's capable of ;) Also just a warning for Kohana: Ekibe is persistent when it comes to wanting to pet her XD [@Rune_Alchemist] I read through everything [i]but[/i] everyone's weakness XD Maybe I should make Ekibe more of a slow-moving magical tank then? :D