After a while, I calm down and sit. I needed to think of a way to escape. I can’t be irrational. I need to be as calm as I can. Taking deep breaths, I decide to try to meditate like Karrie’s mother always suggested. She always said I was too...aggressive. [color=f49ac2][b]“I hope you’re alright, Karrie,” [/b][/color]I whisper to myself, a few tears escaping. I wipe the tears from my eyes. I can’t cry now. I need to stay strong. I look around the room to see if there are any cameras. I’ve watched so many spy movies I was always suspicious of everything. Spy movies are my favourite. I don’t want anyone watching my every move, so the most logical thing is to look for cameras, right? I begin to scour the room. It’s a horrible place to be, don’t you think? Sighing, I move closer to the door, and try to listen out of it. Before, I could swear I heard voices, but if that’s true, that means there must be someone outside, or people entered the room. Eventually I move away from the door, and lean against the wall again. I decide to wait. My stomach grumbles, but I don't think about it. When I eat, I need a lot of food to keep my energy, but it seems I haven't had any food in a long time, so I'm feeling incredibly sleepy from the lack of energy. I wait, and wait, and wait. I hear movement outside. The sound of the doorknob turning. I keep my head down, my hair covering my face. I had taking it out of the ponytail it was in. It looked like I was sleeping. [color=00a651][b]"I suggest that you get some rest, for who knows what is awaiting you once we get to shore. See you in a few hours!"[/b][/color] I hear someone being pushed in. They stumble into the room, and the door slams shut. I watch as the figure sits across from me, and I clench my teeth at the sight of a boy. I watch him silently. He finally breaks the silence. [color=aba000][b]"I'm Kale. I know that you probably trust me right now but just to let you know I am no threat to you."[/b][/color] I just watch him. [color=aba000][b]"Are you feeling alright? For you don't look like you do?"[/b][/color] I break my silence. [color=f49ac2][b] "I'm Esmee,"[/b][/color] I say quietly. [color=f49ac2][b]"I'm feeling alright, but I wasn't before when I woke up from the drug they gave me. It took a while for me to recover. What happened to you?"[/b][/color]