The next series of events were nothing but a blur to Silvia, who was still awake fortunately enough. Before she truly realized it she was lying down covered with a blanket and was definitely indoors. It seemed the man knew exactly how to treat hypothermia, something that the woman never dreamed she would have to deal with, but she survived her brush with it. Her head rolled to the side to look at the glass of water, and after a moment sat up to take it. To take a drink from a stranger in other situations might not be recommended, yet she figured since he went through the effort of saving her life that she wasn't in any danger, besides she wasn't the paranoid type either. Silvia took a sip from the glass, not quite enjoying the taste of warm water if she were to be honest, still she needed to warm up. [color=firebrick]"Silvia."[/color] She eventually responded to his question and gave the glass back with a nod. She then fell back onto the couch, after which she gave a long drawn out sigh. [color=firebrick]"What about you? Got a name?"[/color]