[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1Pi6e1Q.gif[/img] [color=8882be] [i]Hello everybody. Thanks for clicking on this thread. You may call me Alice. I have been role playing off and on since I was about 17 when I did some Final Fantasy crossover role plays. Those were the days! I am now in my 30s. I love to write in general, but I write for fun, for myself. Sometimes I write fanfiction, but I haven't done that in a few years. I'm thinking of giving it a go again! But all this info is probably pointless to you, isn't it? Well, I don't really think so; I want to have partners who are willing to get to know each other beyond just the role play, someone who will chat, plot together and just understand there are days, even weeks, where it is just impossible to write. Because I am human (at least I think so) I do have "glitches" which is the cute word I use instead of "issues" with mental health, depression, social anxiety, and also a chronic pain disorder. If I vanish for a long period of time without saying anything; it is never something I mean to do. I get sick. Sorry. Life happens. Please be understanding of this fact.[/i] [b]I do have to post the obligatory list. This isn't a full list of all my likes and dislikes, just the stuff off the top of my head.[/b] [/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/3LqU2iF.jpg?1[/img] [color=39b54a][hider=LIKES & DISLIKES] Sorry for the long list. I know some people like seeing this up front, and also it helps two people to come up with something together. [b] LIKES[/b]: Romance: All ages: [Playing all aged characters, though anything mature is with adult characters only] Big cast: [Playing more than one character] LGBT+: [Enjoy playing a variety of sexualities, but really like F/F] Plot twists: A couple interwoven plots in same RP: Fantasy: [Mostly Modern like magical realism] Fairies, Elves, Mermaids, other magical human/human-like people: Zombies: [Or other survival scenarios] Supernatural/paranormal: [Maybe. Like it, but not something I do often] Horror: [Also like, but feel like I am not so good at it] [b]DISLIKES:[/b] Master/Slave: Non-consensual content: Abusive or triggering content: Drugs/Alcohol Excessive Cursing: Vampires/Werewolves [Unless it is a unique twist on the typical kind.] Godmoding: [Please don't move my character without asking.] Heavy Action: [I'm just not good at it.] No romance at all: [Sorry I'm just a sucker for it.] [/hider][/color] [color=f49ac2][b]Please private message me if you are interested.[/b] If I have no ideas posted, that doesn't mean I'm not interested in planning up an idea together, which is what role playing is all about, I think. [b]Future original ideas will be in post 2. Future fandom ideas will be in post 3.[/b] I am only taking a few select role plays, so if I say no, chances are, it is just because I've filled my quota and you messaged me before I had the chance to close the thread. Will role play through private messages, but I also have started to use Discord to role play. It's fun setting up all the channels for various things related to the role play and seems more tidy and neat.[/color][/center]