Raiya scoffed at the fact that her enemy successfully deflected her bullets and dodged her stab. Then the twin faded back to the other so they could reattune their harmonization. While they were still locking hands Raiya released her gun and kogatana, fading them back into her manainventory. [color=ec008c][i]He's fast, but let's see if he is faster than the speed of light.[/i][/color] Raiya thought. She then extended her arms and crossed her hands channeling her natural aura into her hands and created a runic spell circle in front of her hands which released a massive plasma bolt projectile. The pinkish arc was Raiya's natural lightning bolt spell that was second nature to her due to the amount she had used it. The destruction spell was powerful enough rip apart any normal human it hit. Since the long-haired twin was rushing straight forward, he wouldn't be able to dodge it unless he anticipated the spell and moved out of the way before it launched.