[center][b][u]FULL Making a waiting list [/u][/b] PM for details[/center] Man used to think it the product of imagination or science fiction to fly from nation to nation. They also thought the same about flying from planet to planet, but in the year 2086 that all changed. We were able to not only put men on mars we started to terra-form it for colonization. It was another 25 years before we got a base up there, but after that man saw no limit to his scope of habitation. After the year 2130 the entire planet of Mars was colonized and self sustainable. People could travel to and from within a weeks time both ways. It was really a large historical stepping stone for what was to come. We now step ahead a few hundred years and see what man has achieved by believing in Science fiction with an open mind. The Sol system is now colonized and several other systems are as well, but to our great surprise there has been no discovery of extraterrestrial life. We think they might be hiding and observing us... waiting to see if we are accepting of new races. As with most vast Empires there is war in every system against the Federation of Sol. Each system has a different reason which is good, but they are all against the FoS. Pirates play an important part in this for both sides. The resistance groups use them for smuggling and ambush help. While the FoS uses them for hunting other pirates and low profile missions. Then there are those who just do Piracy against both sides being a parasite of the war. We will be the crew of a pirate ship and then choose if we want to be with the Federation of Sole or good old fashioned Space Pirates. [center][img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2013/339/9/c/buck_rogers_draconian_pirate_symbol_by_viperaviator-d6wtmfw.png[/img] There are a maximum of 7 players here and a bunch of NPC deckhands on the ship for our use in whatever. The crew is as follows: Captain - Master Crim First Mate / Communications - Stryder Helms Man - [b]HELD[/b] Radar - TheDrunkTank Gunner - BlueBravado Systems Manager - [b]HELD[/b] Engineer / Doctor - Vale Kaiser [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RKdCrhoYJjs/TOtHZXL9N2I/AAAAAAAAACI/BdQF2fu1TDE/s1600/A.R.S.P.S.+Katana+%2528Assault+Frigate%2529.jpg[/img] [/center] CS will come with OOC