[@Jabber] Shen-Mu thought on Boro's words and what everyone was saying. She was just a young blind girl, seeing only what she would focus on with her powers, living in a dusty old boarding house belonging to a friend of a friend of a friend of her father's. Now she was all the way here with the chance to be a hero. She'd still be cramped up in that room right now if it wasn't for that letter. [color=ed1c24][i]"The devil smiles upon those god frowns, for he to has been banished for love and cast out, He takes you in no matter your sin, for he is the embodiment of the fire within."[/i][/color] said Jake. Shen-Mu wondered to herself: Just maybe, could those words be applied to Tumble? But soon, she snapped back to attention as Boro cleared the room, and everything was made clear. [color=7bcdc8]He's gone?[/color] She said, as Boro disappeared. He was just gone. Now, her ability could be used in full effect, with no smoke interfering with her ability to perceive the world. Looking in the direction of the passed out drunk woman at the table, she hummed, attuning her Radar to "see" the entirety of the room, [color=7bcdc8]"Mmmm... Woman of the hour.[/color] Plugging her nose, smelling a hint of alcohol, she noted [color=7bcdc8]"A little decency would be nice. No matter... Who should wake her. One of us girls preferably."[/color] She said as she moved a little closer. [color=7bcdc8]"A man shouldn't wake a girl in such a perverse state."[/color]