[color=#2E2C2C]Yes, I stole the name from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.[/color] So I'm thinking of a free-for-all roleplay, where you can be literally anyone or anything, from any time period. Somehow, whether deliberately, by accident, or just because you're passing by on your way somewhere else, you found yourself stuck, at least for a little while, at the Restaurant. There you can meet other people in the same situation as you are, although they'll likely have very different origins. The roleplay will mostly revolve around conversing with each other, recalling and comparing your experiences. The Restaurant is a place suspended in a time loop few moments around the end of the universe. From its glass window you can see the universe exploding at the end of its life, before looping back to the moments before it, so you can watch the shebang over again. Powered by [s]hand-waving[/s] infinity, it can also serve any food or drink you can think of. Character creation won't be tied down to a specific world. You can make a wizard from the medieval age, an engineer from a magic-free 21st century, some soldier from an alt-history where Germany won the war, or a fire dragon from a distant planet, and they can all hang out together in the Restaurant. In-story there'll be some security to make sure there's no wanton destruction of properties, but you're free to make your character as crazy, or normal, as you like. Just note that this is more of a conversation RP than a fighty one. I'm thinking of putting this in Casual, with Jump-In instead of Apply (although there will still be a CS), but I'm not sure yet. How does any of this sound to you?