Elisa returned to her training quite happy she had gained a perfect 30, she saw Zero and winked at him before they went to the changing room, only for Sashia to reappear a few minutes later with a new pokeball and a new look. It look almost like a Charizard skirt complete with a firey Decal all over it before Sashia faced her opponent who sent out a Greninja. "Alright Zerina, Its time to show them how we do things" Sashia said as she sent out her charizard who had a cute pink bow on her head which actually gave her a little more beauty since her Scars were quite clear to see. Her opponent thinking they had the type advantage, immediately attack with a scald steam rising all around, But Sashia had planned for this. She immediately mega evolved Zerina into Charizard Y and the sun suddenly became intense lessing the overall damage and appeal of the scald before Zerina unleshed a Solar beam on the Greninja, taking it out in one attack. The sunlight then vanished as Zerina returned to normal form as the three cross beeped on the judge panels.