[img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ac/fc/ce/acfcce8a06b5042290735ef806ea4ca4.jpg[/img] [b]MAIN[/b] [b]Sheidinhal Ulidilei[/b] [b]Other names:[/b] Prince of Saldome, son of Ordo Dramaghas, friend to all, true king of Saldome. [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Height:[/b] 175cm [b]about:[/b] He is the son of High king Ordo Dramaghas, king of the north, king of Saldome. A tyrannical ruler who believes in the power of humans and that all things else are underneath them, basically turning inhuman creatures into slaves and pets. Though being the high kings son he does not think the same way, instead he believes in the connection between human and creature, all being equal, and because of that he is used as an envoy for the king, not having the same name and being prone to dangers. As to not directly kill his son, which would cause an uproar from the people as they do not know he is against their views, he sometimes sends mercenaries and assassins to kill him, framing the target nation and using this as an excuse to go to war, at the same time maybe assassinating his own son, though, he does not know that his father is the cause of the assassins. [b]Clothing and Equipment:[/b] Sheidinhal wears a brown jacket with a green vest underneath, common envoy attire, a sword is commonly sheathed at his waist in the event that someone tries to murder him, which isn't uncommon. On his back are the notes and requests made by the high king himself, never taken from his back and never opened until at his destination. [b]Skills:[/b] He is an accomplished swordsman taking lessons from the greatest weapon weapon master in saldome, besting even his father, the king, in battle which is another factor in the kings plot to kill him. Sheidinhal is also learned in navigation and sailing, once commandeering a warship through a rocky shoreline in a storm, that is just a rumour, in reality he was at the wheel of a small fishing ship passing by a large rock at the side of a lone island, a child had somehow found himself on board and mistook it for a warship thus starting the rumour.