The long haired brother didn't have any time to dodge the spell, but he did have time to conjure up a spell of his own. The side runes on the brother's sword quickly glowed green before the whole sword was encapsulated with a green aura. He then slashed directly at Raiya's spell, connecting with it and causing a explosion of magical energy as the two spells collided and canceled out. He didn't seem to suffer any substantial damage, but one would guess that being that close to the explosion wasn't all too pleasant. The twin continued his approach on Raiya, albeit now at a much slower pace than before from the explosion, and continued on to attack her with an horizontal slash. [hr] Nemo rushed towards his opponent and pressed the katana's blade into the steel floor, scraping the metal and causing sparks to fly up towards the brother. He pulled the sword up once he reached the short haired twin into an upwards slash. The brother was barely able to dodge back, only suffering a cut to his clothing. The two then began to spar with their swords, exchanging a total of four swings at each other and emitting a metallic clang each time their blades crossed. The two then used their left hands to punch the other at the same time. The brother hit Nemo first hard in the chest, but the attack seemed to have nearly no effect on him, as if the pain didn't register. The brother would of got more of a reaction from punching a rock. Nemo's own punch connected with the side of the short haired twin's face. Knocking him off balance and causing him to stumble back. Before the twin could recover Nemo added an a heavy two handed slash downwards to the brother's list of things to deal with. He used his Dha to block the attack, locking their swords together again. Nemo still seemed to have more strength over their lock, trapping his opponent in the engagement. This time however Nemo didn't slide his sword off, instead his blade seemed to suddenly vibrate at an incredible rate. It emitted a ear-piercing screech as it buzzed against the brother's blade, letting off sparks and slowly cutting through the weapon's edge. A real testament to how hard and sharp Nemo's own katana was, or really, a testament to how impressive Muramasa blades were. [color=8dc73f]"Impossible!"[/color] Both the twin's said out loud. Nemo had a nasty grin on his face, which turned to a slow guttural laugh once his sword had cut about halfway through the twin's own sword. Unable to escape, the brother was helpless to watch his own weapon be destroyed within ten seconds. The moment it finally cut through and ceased buzzing caused the brother to try to escape by falling back before he himself was cleaved in half. The brother rolled back and got to his feet, now holding a much smaller sword than before. His red bandanna suddenly fell from his neck, cut clean by Nemo's sword. He then knew he had dodged too late, Nemo's katana had cut deep into the twin's chest starting from the top of his shoulder and trailing down to his hip. Blood began to pour out and stain the twin's uniform, and the gash on his shoulder was so deep that it made using that arm out of the question now.