Despite her lack of strength, Maria had found that killing clickers was actually extremely easy, especially when armoured. They might be fast and brutal, but they relied on sound, and were predictable. As the man turned around to face them, she walked forwards, scraping the tip of her machete against the ground in order to attract them onto her. Although most were focused on other sounds, one turned, arms outstretched, screeched, and rushed towards her. Or, more specifically, the noise. [i]Just like in the bullfighting ring, [/i]she thought to herself. Not like she had ever sen a bullfight, but she knew what happened. The bull charged, the matador moved, the bull swished past the cape. Just like that, the clicker swiped at the noise, and she calmly jumped out of the way, before lashing out with her blade, hitting it in the back of the neck and avoiding the growth at the front of it. There was a spray of blood, and she averted her face, but the creature simply whirled around- the blow not having been a killing one. Keeping silent, Maria carefully circled around it as it clicked and clacked, before lashing out again at the same place she had done so before, feeling the blade bite down into its spine, the creature howling, but lying on the floor, incapacitated.