[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3hvnOqa.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=royalblue][center]R u f u s[/center][/color][/h2] [color=royalblue]"My name is Rufus, and judging by the name stiched into the tags of your underwear, yours is Jiro."[/color] He had been considering nicking a few fresh pairs for himself but size differences made that a bit of an issue he wasn't inclined to deal with, so he left them in their drawer. The offered drink was accepted with a nod before he returned to nibbling the fish. [color=royalblue]"So Jiro, what are you even doing home? I'd always thought rainy days were a good time to go to the movies or get stuck indoors with friends. Kind of sad when its just a bloke in their own apartment, dont'cha know?"[/color] [@Mega Birb][hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hX23aho.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=aqua][center]Kanbaru Otoko[/center][/color][/h2] So the illusion was something Kanbaru was projecting. Interesting to know, and she'd certainly see about learning that trick for future reference. It would certainly be easier to have clandestine meetings of the dubious sort if people perceived her as a random stranger rather then the buxom bluenette she was. [color=aqua]"I'm liking everything I'm hearing so far. The simple pleasure of recycling old tech for new gains, an economical and rewarding venture if there ever was one. So many uses without even needing to pull out my wallet and throw wads of cash to start it up."[/color] Kanbaru purred, leaning back to stretch her arms overhead with a luxurious sigh of contentment, her mind firmly set on joining this club properly after the latest excursion into Deep ground. She was rather glad Kanna asked to tag along as her support skills were rather extraordinary and Kanbaru had a feeling she'd be needing them after the last update to the game made her style of vehicular warfare a thing of the past. A shame really, but it wasn't like they could just drop the game for changing its meta on them. [color=aqua]"As much as I'd love to be on the front line and snatch up the EXP, we can't afford to make the same mistakes as the Bruisers and leave our conquest unprotected. We can fail in attacking the Harley with little cost to us, but having them retake the Blue City would only give our enemies momentum we should hoard for ourselves. And I'm going to take a wild guess and say the Strykers and their Bruiser allies wouldn't be keen on leaving our defenses untested even if it left the Harley's threadbare in their own retaliation. Not like they didn't rebuke the Masks once already." I'll meet you at the front gates to the city, Mint.[/color] Fitting herself comfortably with the duvet and pillow, the bluenette leaned back into her chair and slipped into the familiar boots of, [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ihhZg00.png[/img][/center] [h2][center][color=aqua]Broker Of Fortune[/color][/center][/h2][hr] Once again she was amidst the Blue City, bustling with activity, yet lacking in its former industrial splendor. Looting was only to expected and artillery bombardment did a number on the infrastructure, but really it was the presence of Masks as opposed to Bruisers bustling about that clinched it. The war time attitude was likely not what they carried in usual affairs, but Broker had gotten rather endeared to being surrounded by craftsmen whenever she returned the Bruiser's former capital. [color=aqua]"Eh, oh well. The Masks will get industrious once they've conquered to their heart's content. Then I'll have a leg up on being at the Blue Cities ground floor when its time to rebuild."[/color] A grin settled on her countenance as Broker emerged from the smashed bank vaults she'd logged out within, her inventory metaphorically heavy with all the loot she could snatch. It was sad to say she couldn't use most of it at the moment, and frankly she'd broke down a lot of what she found for EXP just so could make that leap from level 5 to 7. Checking the pouch fastened to her outer thigh her fingers brushed against the bronze coin which manifested as her new ability, a welcome addition she'd need to cover up for the deficit of fire power she was left with at the loss of her King Tiger. [color=aqua]"Oh yeah, this will do me nicely."[/color] Broker was practically skipping down the street as she headed through the city towards the meeting point she'd chosen, hoping the Masks had at least made some partial repairs to the walls since they'd logged in ahead of her. [@KoL]