[centre][b][h1][color=tan]Cody[/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/3cd43c2218e92d2647bcd7ef57951744/tumblr_okgvqtIcwS1qg94hko3_400.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [@BlackPanther][/centre] [hr][hr] Cody couldn’t really explain what it was, to have Aron fit so perfectly in his arms. It just...seemed so right, and for a few moments, Cody cursed the time they could have had, had either of them decided to take a chance earlier. Yet maybe it was better this way. Maybe it was more, for the simple fact that it was the right time. Perhaps they would never know. Cody just relished these few moments of peace, ,with Aron. Watching Aron a moment, it was quite clear that Aron was struggling, and perhaps failing a little, against sleep. It was rather charming, and Cody smiled, a soft, loving smile that made him seem younger than he was. Or maybe it just showed how young her was. Barely old enough to be considered an adult. He sighed softly, and hugged Aron tighter to him, returning the rather delicious kiss. [color=tan]”Sleep, Aron”[/color] He said softly, [color=tan]”I’ll be here, watching”[/color] He promised, quite intent on staying close to Aron. He closed his own eyes, and over a few moments, Cody once more became aware of everything that was going on around him. Aron’s scent, wafting over him, a comfort and a happy feeling of...satisfaction filling him as he took it in, Aron’s breathing, a steady rhythm that made Cody happy, birds around them, the sound of small critters, faint, but [i]there[/i]. Everything seemed to be heightened, like before he’d been living in...2D, and now it this was what 3D was. Or maybe it was simply 4-D now. Cody analysed it all, letting it filter through his mind, and simply trying to understand it all. Maybe it was easier because Aron was there, and wasn’t that a little strange? Was this something more, what they had? Was it related to...what they now were? Cody blinked, thinking on that for a few moments, a little unsure how he felt about that, yet...if it gave him Aron, did it really matter? He thought on that for a few seconds, not sure what it all meant. He looked back to Aron, and a smile spread across his features once more. It didn’t matter. He settled back, keeping Aron close, more than content to simply sit with Aron, and relax for a time. Aron could definitely use it, and Cody was happy to be his...security. He might not truly understand what was going on, but that was something he could understand. The simple security of love, did wonders for everyone.