[centre][b][h1][color=coral]Callie[/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/iQrARFe4PkWt2/giphy.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [@Legion02][@December][@BlackPanther][@Damo021][@Vicier][/centre] [hr][hr] Callie might have taken the time to tell Alexis that the clothes she had were all new, and had not been worn, but she decided not to push the girl. She deserved her independence, even if Callie was soon going to be, in more ways than one, her mentor. Up in one of the rooms, Callie sat down on the bed. While it was quite possible there was going to be visitors in the inn, Callie was rather taking the chance to be on her own for a few moments. She bowed her head, and closed her eyes. Flashes of images reached her, all clamoring at once for her attention, yet she simply let them come, knowing if she didn’t, they’d overwhelm her throughout the day, and that was not something that she could afford to happen. Myra, clearly frustrated, her knuckles white against a steering wheel. A young woman running across town, clearly afraid of something. Xerses in a room, with some of the teenagers there, two injured. A small dog, a pup, barking, a girl’s laughter echoing across the vision, two boys snuggled together in a beanbag. Zoe, in her pub, a flash of recognition, and then it was gone. And finally, a car pulling up, and old friends climbing out. She gave a soft sigh, opening her eyes. She rubbed her temples a moment. Callie’s clairvoyance was a little different to Leo’s. Leo often saw things both before and after they happened, whereas Callie often saw things moments, sometimes half an hour before they happened. She couldn’t control it, not really. It was, generally speaking, the strongest future slamming itself against her consciousness. She took a few moments to gather herself, before she rose, smoothing her clothes, she glanced around the room, and with a few muttered spells, it was sorted. Making her way back downstairs, just as two people she might never have expected to see walk through her door came through it, if she had not just seen the vision. [color=coral]”Sombra. James”[/color] She said, nevertheless delighted, approaching them, she threw her arms around both of them, [color=coral]”I’ve missed you, both”[/color] She hugged them tight, before stepping back, and muttered the exact words that would let her talk to Alexis, through the charms. [color=coral]”Alexis, would you come here a moment?”[/color] She asked the girl