[centre][b][h1][color=lightcoral]Cassandra[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m386aaxvMR1rumgpxo1_500.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [@December][@BlackPanther][@Damo021][@Vicier][@YoshiSkittlez][/centre] [hr][hr] Cassandra watched Gage, her heart heavy. She wanted to hug him and tell him it would be alright, but she just didn’t know how. [color=lightcoral]”Go on, Gage. You need your strength. For Syleste”[/color] She said, looking over to her friend, and she winced, seeing that Syleste was restless. She supposed she couldn’t blame Syleste-it had been a terrifying night. Cassandra knew she had only got through the long hours until morning because of Miranda and her father. And Chewbacca. She sighed softly, keeping her eyes on Syleste. And she breathed softly through her mouth. She had been since entering the hospital, almost a reflex against the scents she was now picking up. Blood and other things being high there, with the scent of bleach that did nothing now to mask the scents against her nose. Breathing through her mouth wasn’t a perfect solution, yet it did enable her to bear with all the new sensation. Looking at Syleste, she had to wonder how the girl handled it. Surely this was much like what she went through, the scents and sounds? She shifted towards Miranda, concerned for her best friend, but she couldn’t force Miri to tell her anything. Or she could. But she wasn’t going to. She sighed softly, looking over to Sebastian, and gave him a smile, nodding to the food she had put down for him, [color=lightcoral]”That’s for you, to, Seb”[/color] She said, ensuring that he knew it was there, and that she wasn’t about to leave before he at least had something to eat. Even if it was only a few bites. Noticing that Syleste was awake, Cassandra studied her for a brief moment, noticing that Syleste was moving her left arm unhindered, something that she wouldn’t be able to do if the IV drip was in. Without even thinking about it-how many times had she watched her father do this, all those hours after school when she wasn’t working, or with her friends?-she said [color=lightcoral]”One sec, Syl”[/color] before gently clicking the drip back into place, matching the drips clip to the cannula just as the machine started to beep its agitation that it was running freely, and unhindered from the cannula. It soon shut up, and Cassie smiled, stepping back towards Gage. She gently took the food from him, setting it next to the food prepared for Syleste, and nudging him towards her, before stepping back to Miranda again, watching her friends, wanting to help them, but not knowing how. It was easy to be strong for her friends, not so easy to be there for herself. Yet Cassandra was trying to do what she could to deal, like she did with everything else. By making sure her friends were okay.