[@Heckno12] [@kidjab] [@Kreutzer] [@KaijuBaragon] A little ways from this small group of students that are out in the town, a loud crash would be heard coming from the north along with a lot of dusty smoke into the air. It seems like there was a villain running wild in the city yet again, as they would see an entire building turn into sand and come crashing down, as the action seems to be heading in their direction, a villain who didn't look that much older than them, was turning anything he touched with his hands into sand, using it to try and block the heroes chasing him, right before the villain got to them he turned a truck into sand and suddenly vanishes into the sand. The driver from the truck would end up bouncing in the sand coming to a stop with some injuries, though nothing life threatening. The heroes would arrive shortly after, there would be two famous heroes such as Woods and mount lady in her small form. There would also be three other a lot younger heroes following behind them, most likely interns trying to become new heroes that happen to be working that their facilities. "Dang it where did he go!" one of those younger heroes would shout annoyed. Woods and mount lady would stay quiet as they begun to search the area, Mount lady would tell the younger ones to fan out to search. While Woods would start talking to various civilians around to see if they saw anything.