TRIPLE POST! I should have my post up by tonight, if not within the hour. In the meantime, I want to try something to keep the inspiration flowing: [@Kymera][@c3p-0h] Create/develop original abilities for your Pokemon (they can be field or battle abilities). Make them associated with their personalities and/or fighting styles (whichever fits best). If you can't think of something better, develop an original move (or moves) for each Pokemon. Another thing you can do is take a move (ex. Double-Slap) and create names for its equivalent for each other type (a physical move that hits 2-5 times and makes contact) that doesn't already have one. (Grass=Frond Flap, Fire=Coal Clap, Water=Aqua Assault (bad names, I know)) This needn't be done immediately. Just something you could work on if you're hitting a wall during writing a post. I found just going back and finding the Abilities I made up helped me push through this last post much faster than the last few I've done. I'm hoping it can help you two, if you need it. I'm going to do it for Forrest's Pokemon once I'm done my post. ^^ EDIT: FINISHED MY POST!