[h2][center]Sabu[/center][/h2] One Goblin wanting to go learn how to speak Human, one wanting to learn magic. Well, at least they knew what they were after in life. [color=f7976a]"Gahaha! Good, it's important you take life by the horns and ride it like a Greater Dragon! Fair warning, though, if it's magic you're after then you'd better hope you've got the aptitude. Most Goblins don't have the talent enough to make a specialty out of it; there's a reason Aya's the only one currently around who we'd call a magic specialist in the tribe."[/color] He replied, nodding at the two younglings with a toothy grin. Looking to Kluuto, Sabu nodded contemplatively. [color=f7976a]"Language comprehension, eh? That's a useful one. The others are gonna have to learn Human the old fashioned away, unless they feel like buying a Stored Knowledge Matrix and getting themselves in debt."[/color] He remarked, pausing for a moment after speaking. [color=f7976a]"Right, you won't know what those are. Okay, so, humans are great. Don't get me wrong, Dad, Goblins are cool too, but humans are something else. They've created all sorts of weapons, from swords and spears to these things that fire tiny flaming chunks of metal, to more magic foundations than you cann fill a library with, to libraries, it's amazing. But so, one thing they've put together is this thing called a Stored Knowledge Matrix. You need a magician who's skilled in the Thought Transmutation branch of Alchemy and who's also really really good at runic inscriptions, he takes a jewel and is able to copy some of his knowledge into it."[/color] [color=f7976a]"Then, by using the jewel, you get the knowledge in it streamed right into your head. See, amazing right? Spells, geography, just about anything can be put into one. They didn't originally have ones for the human language cause why would they, they're humans, but a few human language ones have been getting made since more and more towns are working out alliances with monsters nowadays. Problem is, given the requirements you need to make one, they're super rare and as a result, super expensive. I'd barely be able to afford one if I used all my savings. Also there's the risk of the engraver's personality contaminating your own, but that's never been proven to actually happen, so eh."[/color] He explained, shrugging helplessly. A moment later, though, he seemed to realize that he'd gone off on a tangent, slapping his head with his free hand. [color=f7976a]"Well enough of that. I'll tell you more about cool stuff the humans have worked out later. So, if you wanna check out the human town, I can take you there now I guess. Could use some food. You haven't eaten till you've tried food from a human restaurant, going back to raw meat and veg is just impossible after that. Any of your pals want to come with?"[/color] [hr] [h2][center]Sabu[/center][/h2] [color=fff79a]"Not that I know of, no."[/color] Kichi replied to Iris, shooting a brief glare at Sabu as he extolled the greatness of human society. This was what he was worried about, his human-phile of a son going and converting the younglings to his way of thinking. Sabu refused to even eat food that didn't use those damn imported human spices anymore. [color=fff79a]"Only my line has a non-Goblin ancestry we're aware of, and even that was a bit nebulous before Sabu came along and confirmed that it was very much a dragon's bloodline." He explained.[/color] At the next question, his expression grew somewhat complicated. [color=fff79a]"...Madam Archmage was-...is, rather, the greatest magic-user our tribe has ever produced. She's the oldest member of the tribe, and while I haven't sparred with her since my Evolution, I can still confidently say that she's the strongest member of our tribe by a fair margin. The only magic-user I know of who surpasses her would be humanity's greatest magician, the madman who has managed to equal the might of Knoth and Anekanta's chosen heroes with nothing short of willpower and magical talent. She's off traveling, currently, exploring the world and training herself further. Aya is actually one of her descendants, though there's a few generations separating them."[/color]