Completed. [hider=Toombs][b]Name:[/b] Gilles Toombs [b]Nickname/Title:[/b] Sergeant of the Imperial Navy [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] Imperial, Dromund Fels [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]In-Depth Personality:[/b] On the face of things, Toombs is almost the model Imperial sergeant; a stern, no nonsense man dedicated to the Empire and it's supposed values of the firm rule of law and meritocracy. Privately, he has grown increasingly bitter with the Empire's direction, and though he would never openly speak his opinion, he despises the Sith, seeing them as a corrupting and detrimental force in the Empire. This bitterness has lead to borderline alcoholism, which he thankfully manages to keep hidden from all but his immediate squad. He also isn't as openly hostile to aliens as other Imperials, though he isn't all that quick to stand up for them either. [b]Character background:[/b] The story of Gilles Toombs is the story of a disappointed patriot. Born and raised on Dromund Fels and the son of common farmers, Toombs spent most of his younger years idolizing the men and women of the Imperial military, dreaming of how he would look in the gray fatigues or black and red armor he saw so very often. Even in childhood he did his best to prove himself the model of the Imperial citizen and soldier, happily volunteering for patrols in his schools' halls and punishing other children for their transgressions against the status quo. So dedicated to the cause, he was, that he lied about his age at 16 to join the Imperial Navy as a trooper. From here, however, his story began to take a sadder turn. Almost immediately he discovered that the vaunted values of meritocracy and honor were almost a laughingstock amongst the military, with skilled but common men and women left to wallow as grunts while the friends and spoiled spawn of the officers rose to the top. Still, he served admirably in the various campaigns on the Empire's borders, the Great Galactic War and after, rising to the rank of sergeant after he helped to lead the capture of a Jedi Knight. Since then, however, he has been left to drift from one dead end assignment to the next, his officers seeing him as too valuable to simply dump on a garrison but too 'earnest' to promote to commissioned officer, lest the common man upstage them. This, combined with the constant atrocities committed by his Sith superiors, has led to Toombs losing that patriotic fervor that had driven him so long ago. Now he only serves for lack of any other purpose, working on the slim hope that he might be noticed by some amused Sith and recommended for promotion over his superiors. Then came the assignment to the Odacer-Faustin investigation... [b]Equipment:[/b] Imperial Navy Trooper Uniform Ration bars Commlink [b]Weapons:[/b] Blaster carbine, sidearm pistol, vibroknife, thermal detonator[/hider]