[@Sophrus] [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uzasYkv.png[/img] [hr] [b]Mekhar Space[/b] The Mekhar ship silently observed the Gargan cruiser. For several days they've stayed in the same place, repeating the same message over and over again. They were an annoyance in this sector, something that only diverted ships from other sectors that defended against the barbaric hordes of the EOM. After quickly doing a background search on these "gargans", the Mekhar Illuminate found that the best course of action is to warn the EOM forces of the ship in this sector. It was just an empty sector, strategically unimportant, so even if the humans were to barge in it wouldn't really affect the Illuminate. However, we didn't expect the flagship to arrive with a large task group. It seems like the humans expected something else in this sector, probably an ambush of some sorts. The first ship to arrive was a small light cruiser that started proing the sector as soon as it exited the warp bubble. In an instant the gargan cruiser lit up on their radar, and the EOMs encrypted data flow filled the Mekhar stealth cruiser's systems. And just as fast, the onboard computers started decrypting it and gave us the exact positions of the EOM ships. Bloody vandals, gangin up on a small diplomatic ship. Even if they were a rebellious species, it isn't right to attack a ship witout hostile intentions. The first few shots bounced off the Gargan ship's armor, but more and more ships started to arrive and power up their weapon systems. Soon enough, the flagship of the humans arrived, the massive "Tarantula" that dwarfed the other ship in the fleet. Ever since it first appeared in the Mekhar sectors it has been a great contributor towards the EOM's victories. Rows and rows of guns mounted on the hull, multiple axial ralguns and a gigantic fusion lance that destroyed shield and armor alike. The black and orange camo truly resembled a large spider in space, and it was possible that their scanners would pick up the presence of the stealth ship. [i]Meanwhile, on the Mekhar stealth ship's bridge[/i] "Divert energy from the guns to the optical jammers. Prepare the hypercoils for immediate departure. Turn off anything that produces excess heat! We are going in silent mode!" Commands like these and others were issued on the bridge of the small ship. It wasn't even a full fledged crusier, more like a destroyer, and with that came a smaller bridge and crew count. And stealth required a lot of things to go just right, so it was important that commands were issued in time, so the limited crew could act fast enough. The captain turned to the comms officer beside him. "I need you to send a message via the lasers to the gargan cruiser. Make sure you aim for their receivers, I don't want the EOM goons to refracture our message." The officer nod, and powered up the laser comms on the ship. It was risky to use them in stealth, and if they used it right now, they would surely be shot down before they could escape. The giant body of the Tarantula inched closer by the second, and the Gargan cruiser was getting closer to it's doom. 23 seconds passed, and the navigator looked turned to the captain. A purple light lit up on the command screen, and indicated that the hypercoils charged up. The EOM fleet was right above them, still seemingly unoblivious of their presence. "Send the message now. We'll give the Gargans a chance. Jump immidiately after broadcast!" A small pocket of space started to fade away, and it's shape soon resembled a mekhar ship. heat signatures rose through the roof, and every sensor in a 2 sector radius detected the sudden burst of heat that came from the stealth being disengaged. It sent a message towards the Gargan ship, and then it quickly warped the space around it, jumping away into a different sector before the EOm ships could fire a shot at it. [quote] Meet us where the Triangulum origins, near the great abyss. We will be inspecting your actions from now on. [/quote] [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hGlyTDL.png[/img] [hr] "Sir, it's a Gargan ship!" How is that possible? Who let them leave their sector? And what do they want from the Mekhar? Questions like this filled the mind of captain Inuius. But it didn't matter. They will be obliterated soon, and their doom will be a warning sign to the rebellious species of the Empire. Xeno scum who don't obey shouldn't be allowed to exist in the first place. Maybe when he finally ceases the last Mekhar world, he'll exterminate these "gargans" himself. For now, he opened an open channel to the gargan ship. "Gargan diplomatic vessel! Your presence in this off-limits sector is the last mistake you'll make. By disobeying multiple Imperial orders, you are found guilty of high treason under article 3C-B12. Power down your engines and weapons, if you accept these charges, and you'll be spared from destruction in space. Comply and marines will take you aboard our ship where you'll have a proper trial. Fail to meet these demands and face extreme prejudice." Yes, that should do it. this will bring him even more favor in the admiralty, and perhaps help the SDF uncover some dirty secrets about the Gargans. Scuttle their ship for intel about their plans, and resources to fuel the Imperial war engine. But a sudden burst of energy from below the Tarantual distruped captain Inuius from his thoughts. "Sir, it appears a Mekhar stealth vessel was hiding in the sector! They jumped out of the sector immidiately!" All ships ceased to fire as the weapon systems were blinded by the energy burst. The Gargan vessel started to distance themselves from the rest of the fleet, and powered up their warp drives. There was nothing to be done. Without weapons, the xeno ship couldn't be stopped unless someone reammed him, but they were too far away. Maybe this won't be a great day for his reputation after all.