[@KnightShade] Didn't see the mention because you didn't put the [ ] in it. xP [hider=Spoiler for Don't Breathe] Now you can give me a "suspension of disbelief" argument. But no one on earth is reasonably stupid enough to STOP running from the guy who murdered two of her friends, impeding her escape to taunt that person. They'd only run as fast as their legs could carry them, she didn't even seem to stop from exhaustion/or to catch her breathe. "Looking back to a killer" is a horror trope that no one in real life would actually do. Trying to say that's realistic...I think is the wrong argument to make. And the turkey baster scene (where he was going to fill it with his sperm and shove it in his kidnap victims vagina, to impregnate her...completely skull fucked the overall serious tone/suspension and almost came out of nowhere and was a very stupid moment. It also didn't seem like it was suppose to be a joke...so it's the best example I can think of because the whole third act didn't fit with the previous acts and that scene was probably the worst in the movie. (other than the dog vs. girl car scene.) I say non threatening doggo, because the dog clearly was not actually acting aggressively but it had added growling sound effects in post production. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z83IyQBExn0&t=24m24s]Example of such[/url] Until 24:40 But that's sort of what I saw, while watching. Also like I said, the third act is the weakest part of the movie. The drawn out chase with the dog is absolutely stale compared to what had come previously, it's not even remotely as threatening of a scenario. Just my opinion, I can see why you might like the movie. It had some good things in it, but I think it was a wee bit overrated when it came out. Like a lot of horror movies really... [/hider] I think you're correct in that, a dumb plot can become engaging enough if written well enough. Like a good joke told poorly won't work as well as a bad joke told well. But make no mistake, it's still a bad joke...Granted, maybe it's bad of me to write off a movie without giving it a fair shake. But I'm a cynic, so it happens. Somethings can be so stupid on their own, that it just seems like it would be impossible to get over. Like what my older brother told me about Attack On Titan. Which basically ruined any possible entertainment I could get out of it. :I [hider=If you want Attack On Titan completely ruined for you. You've been warned.] The big secret in the basement...The titans are basically the Jews...it's a parallel to a Nazi anti-jew conspiracy...I wish I was kidding. :I [/hider] I don't/wasn't trying to dismiss the entire genre, like I said. I do enjoy some horror movies. I'm just one of those people that once spoiled to something, it [b]can[/b] ruin an experience of watching it. And all the hype that comes from almost every horror movie that comes out, when most of them are the cheapest to produce and it usually shows. (and because I've never actually gotten scared at the horror film. "its good because it scary" has never worked as an argument for me.) It almost sets itself up for disappointment.