[color=8493ca]"[i]None of us[/i] deserve to be here... None of us [i]would[/i] be, if not for Tumble."[/color] Shou felt himself wince involuntarily. He felt a pressure on his head as his mind worked to consider her point of view against his. [color=a0410d][i]Th-that's not...[/i][/color] But his defense was starting to feel flimsy, as was his seating as Boro removed the metallic smoke he rested against, causing him to flop on his back like a lump. Quickly pushing himself back up as attention shifted to the corridor beyond the lobby, Shouichi was at an impasse. Glancing over to the door outside, where the restless media could very well still be waiting, on the other hand was whatever Boro had in mind for them, probably. As a few moved that way, Shou was hesitant to simply stand and follow. He kept thinking about what glasses girl said, or rather, how she phrased it. [color=a0410d][i]My parents signed me up for this. That's all there is to it![/i][/color] But as he repeated that thought, it seemed to echo hollow in his mind. It was quickly becoming apparent how illogical it was: if signing up was the only requirement, then this place would be absolutely packed. Tumble was supposed to be a super popular hero, so...how the hell did [i]Shouichi[/i] of all possible people end up here!? It must have been a mistake. His parents just assumed anyone who applied would be accepted... No, his dad wouldn't be so lax. [color=a0410d][i]So...Tumble handpicked all of us...including...[b]ME[/b]!?[/i][/color] He felt his heart tweak as he tried to come to terms with that thought. How was [i]this[/i] the most logical conclusion he could come up with? Once again he glanced at the door outside, but as he stood, he instead trailed at the back as the group moved along to the corridor beyond. If he couldn't understand why the hell he, a kid with a useless quirk and no drive for anything whatsoever, let alone heroism, was here, then the only one to ask would be... The slovenly oaf resting on a table that somehow looked more important than her. Eyes glazing over as his heart tumbled over and turned to stone, he let out a long, low sigh. [color=a0410d]"A p-p-prank?"[/color] he blurted in exasperation, though whether this was the start of a new joke or just the punchline of the last one remained to be seen.